When they realized they're in love with you

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You've worked for him for almost 3 months now.
You got to learn more about him and he seems like a gentle guy.
One week ago you were in the storage room trying to reach for something that was out of your reach.

"Here you go," Herman said handing you the object.

"Thanks," you muttered.

The cute expression you made, cause Herman to blush slightly.

"Whatever," he muttered and walked away.

'(Y/N) is quite cute,'

'Oh my am I starting to like them?'

'Maybe I guess,'
Snake Jailbird:
After fleeing from the prison, you worked along side Snakejail Bird.
Three months later the two of you were chilling in his car counting the money, and expensive items you had recently stole.

"Look at this bracelet!" He mentioned.

You looked at the golden bracelet, that had a ruby along with it.

"May I wear it?" You asked.

"Sure," he helped you around the bracelet on your right wrist.

You looked and admired the bracelet.

"Thanks," you smiled.

"No problem," he blushed and quickly looked away.

'Am I starting to like (Y/N)?'
He pondered.
Months passed and you started to become more closer to Otto as a Best Friend.
The two of you will always hang out in his tiny apartment.
Where he will sometimes smoke weed.
Which you didn't really approve of, but Otto really seem happy about that so you would let him.

"C'mon, Mx. (L/N) give it a try," he suggested.

"I guess why not,"

You took one blunt which he lit it up for you and you started take some puffs.

"Hey doesn't feel that bad," you stated taking another puff.

"Told ya," smiled smoking his blunt.

"Haha, it feels so weird," you giggled.

"Yeah," he agreed.

The two of you starting to laugh as the hallucinations started to surround (Y/N) and Otto.

'Man, I would love to have (Y/N) as my lover,' Otto thought to himself as he blushed.
Weeks had passed as you later had befriended Smithers.
He was actually a very interesting person.

"Here's my Malibu Stacy doll collection," he mentioned pointing at the shelves filled with varieties of Malibu Stacy.

"Wow, I didn't knew you liked to collect dolls," you chuckled.

"Well, I just like them," he remarked.

"Anyway, do you feel hungry?" He asked.

"Not really," you stated.
But your stomach betrayed you as it started to growl.

"Lies," he muttered. He went to towards the kitchen and started to cook.

"May I help?" You asked.

"Sure, come in,"

You walked in and helped Smithers prepare lunch.

'Wow (Y/N) cooks very well, though they need some improvement, bet they will make the best partner,'

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