Are they the jealous type?

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Herman is bit jealous at sometimes, but he knows that you would never leave him, cause you're loyal.

Snake Jailbird:
Snake is very jealous and won't hesitate to rob someone if they start flirting with you.

Otto is very chill and will only be jealous if you paid more attention to your pet, that type jealously.
(He just does it as joke).

Smithers is quite jealous and fears you might leave him for someone way better than him. But he tries to hide it.

Mr. Burns:
Like Smithers, he can get jealous especially if talk with someone way attractive than him or younger.

Moe is very insecure and would be quite jealous if you talked with someone attractive, fearing someday you might leave him.

Sideshow Bob:
My boy bob is quite jealous when someone flirts with you, he won't hesitate to kill them either.

Bart can get jealous, but he always copes by pulling pranks on other people, or plays video games.

Lisa can get jealous but tries not to show it as she feels it quite childish.

Lenny is quite chill and would only be jealous if you talk with Carl.

Similar to Lenny he won't really get jealous unless you start getting extremely very close to someone.

Sideshow Mel:
Mel doesn't really get jealous but only on some occasions.

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