Would they judge your body?

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Herman is an amputee I doubt he will ever judge your body.

Snake Jailbird:
Despite Snake being fit, he doesn't really care if you have the body type of a model.

My man Otto is very chill he wouldn't really care about your body type.

Smithers is a sweet man, he wouldn't really focus on your physical appearance.

Mr. Burns:
Despite being selfish and narcissist he wouldn't judge your body, he might make some unwanted comments but later apologized.

Moe is really nice to his lover he would never make his partner feel
insecure about their body.

Sideshow Bob:
Sideshow bob is true gentleman he would never make you feel bad about your body.

Thought Bart is quite immature I doubt he would insult or make unwanted comments about your appearance.

Lisa is sweet girl, she would never not even in million years make fun of your body.
She doesn't want you to go through like that one time when she was insecure about her body.

Lenny is one of the most wholesome characters in the show he would never insult your body that just isn't like him.

similar to Lenny he wouldn't either, he would more likely compliment your appearance.

Sideshow Mel:
Like Bob, Mel is very gentleman like and would never insult your body as he thinks that is very unmanly like.

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