chapter 1

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Abe was lost in his thoughts in the dugout, DAMNIT! I wish I could play! Im supposed to be Mihashis catcher! I promised him i'd catch every game he pitched! And now I'm benched! Im an idiot! Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot! He grabbed his hair, just then he heard a voice that he knew all to well.
"A-abe..? A-are you okay?" It was Mihashi.
Abe snapped out of it. "H-huh? Oh. Y-yea.. Sorry" Abe replied back.
"You sure? You dont seem like it" Mihashi said as he sat down
"IM FINE!" Abe snapped back
Mihashi jumped and yelped "O-OKAY! God.."
Abe sighed "I'm sorry, I just.. Have alot going on right now"
"Oh well.." Mihashi started "m-maybe a hug will h-help..?"
"A hug? Hell n-"
Mihashi hugged Abe anyways.
"What the hell are you doing!?"
"Its okay that you can't catch me. Promises were made to be broken thats how we grow. I don't mind it, it wasn't your fault!" Mihashi said.
"But i promised you I wouldnt get hu-"
Mihashi cut Abe off
"That doesnt matter anymore! Ive realised that getting hurt is a part of the game especially as an amazing catcher lol you! You can't avoid it no matter how hard you try!"
"I know b-" he was cut off once again
"Its about time you learn that to."
Abe sighed.
"Mihashi your up!" Coach ordered
"R-right" Mihashi said and got up.
Since when was Mihashi good at pep talk..? Abe thought as he watched Mihashi walk out on the field. I guess he really is finally warming up after all..
Mihashi walked up to the plate and the pitcher threw the first pitch
"BALL" the umpire yelled.
The catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher. The pitcher rolled his shoulders and got into his stance. He threw the ball. BANG. It hit Mihashi in the shoulder. Mihashi didnt even react other than throwing his bat to the side and running down first base.

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