I Know . . .

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I know I'm a screw up, no shocker there.

I'm a waste of space, a waste of air.

I know that you hate me, so do I.

And knowing that hurts me all the time.

I know that I made them leave, but I never meant to . . .

So to make it fair, I left too.

I know, all I do is hurt and anger everybody,

And I don't know how many times I can say sorry.

I know I can't go back and undo all of this,

But even if I could, there's too many things to list.

God, I hate it.  I hate what I've done.

I hate that I've hurt all of my friends, every single one.

I don't want to go on anymore, and I wish every night

That had the strength to just end my life . . .

But I don't, I'm too weak and I can't leave my family . . .

My parents, my sister, Jamarcus, and Jabaree . . .

I know they'd be hurt,  asking God why

They just don't realize how much I want to die . . .

I love my family with all of my heart,

For them, I'm trying to stay strong and not fall apart . . .

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