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Hope... It's easy to forget bout it.
It's easy to forget it's there
To forget it's an option
No matter how bad things seem to get, you have to have hope.
Believe that there is a chance that things will get better.
That everything will be okay in the end . . .
Even when you give up on hope, it's still there.
No matter how slim, there is hope.
So, smile.
Embrace hope.
Hug it tight.
Never let it go.
Keep it for always.

A/N: Yeah, my previous was pretty grim... I apologize to any of my friends that I alarmed or upset, I guess I just needed to put that out there. Anyways, I learned to not give up hope. I've not fulling grasped it yet, but some hope is better than no hope as all, as stated above. \(^-^)/ Smile on my little potatoes!~

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