His Love is All She Knows.~

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As Nina sits in her room, it goes through her head

The last words to her he had said.

"I'm sorry, but there's someone new."

The more she thinks about it, the more it becomes true.

Everyone sees a happy and cheerful girl on the outside,

But inside, she's hiding the hurt and tears she wants to cry.

Whenever she gets to be alone,

She let's the tears flow.

She can't stand that he doesn't love her, she thinks it's her own fault,

So hatred and sadness are the results.

She hates everything and everyone,

She seals herself off, and denies any fun.

She thinks, "Everything Kyle ever said was a lie,

Because if it were true he'd still be mine."

She feels love has escaped her, a love less life is her choice,

And through her cries, she can't hear the voice.

Kevin has been there for Nina for years on end,

He's always seen her as more than a friend.

He's been in love with Nina all of his life,

And knows that'd she'd make a great mother and wife.

Nina cries and cries, and becomes more blue

He always says, "Nina, I'm here for you."

Some part of her knows, and wants to move on,

But another says that everything will go wrong.

"You'll ruin things like you did with Kyle.

You're a curse." Says the voice every once in a while.

These words stick with her, she doesn't forget them

So to keep Kevin safe, she tries to avoid him.

I don't want him to have to suffer my curse.

Hurting her best friend would make her feel worse.

But he doesn't care about what pain may come,

In his heart, she'll be the only one

He wants to tell her, but he knows now isn't right.

She already has enough heartache in her life.

As time goes by, she starts to heal,

"I've accepted that none of Kyle's words were real."

As Nina becomes stress less,

Kevin confesses

He tells her his feelings,

On one knee he was kneeling.

She cries tears of joy,

And hugs the boy.

They walk down the aisle as husband and wife,

Happier than they've ever been in this life.

Kevin loves Nina, and Nina loves him

They've a love that will never end.

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