༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ 𝑶𝒏𝒆 ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

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The bright morning light was aimed at my face, disturbing my peaceful slumber. I roll over to my side, protecting my eyes from the sun. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light. I reach my hand out, looking for my glasses. I step off of my bed, my feet dropping to the cool, wooden floor. I walked over to the bathroom, taking off the old t-shirt, and shorts. stepping into the shower and turning the shower knob to the perfect temperature.

I go over to my closet, picking out a sage green, oversized t-shirt. I walk over to the small dresser in the corner, pulling out light wash jean shorts, and then look at the top drawer pulling out white crew socks. Today's the day, I thought as I grab the large, corduroy shoulder bag. Inside it was extra clothes, snacks, and other essentials that I would need for the coming journey. I walk down to the first floor, head straight to the kitchen. "Morning," I said to my mother, who stood next to the stovetop, making scrambled eggs. "Buenas días" she said in her native language. She brought the hot pan to the table, scraping off the scrambled eggs and sausage onto a plate and putting it on the table. "¿Estas lista?" She asked, her face filled with fatigue and worry. "creo que sí" I started after I swallowed a fork full of eggs, "Pero, estoy muy nervioso" a nervous laugh escaped my mouth. I ate my breakfast quickly, washing my plate and cup before I head for the door. My mother stopped me for a second. "Te quiero mucho," she said, small tears forming in her eyes. "Te quiero más." I say quietly, her hands caressing my cheeks before giving me a light kiss on my forehead.

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I start walking out of the small house, heading in the direction of the train station. My first time on a train by myself, I thought as I entered through the sliding doors of the train. "Now heading to brooks view , now heading to brooks view" the speakers said. I managed to find a seat once the doors had closed. The train would be making one stop before heading to new bark town, where I would be able to start my Pokémon journey. Over the years new bark had become a lot bigger, becoming home to multiple businesses and a few schools. It was close to my small town, about a twenty minute train ride.

The train began its journey to brooks view, stopping for a few minutes allowing people and Pokémon to get on the train. Most were older, in office wear and other professional clothes. Three people looked out of place. They looked about my age, maybe a year older. They were all standing holding either a pole or a fabric handle. The three were all with pokemon, a riolu with a small stone necklace hanging from its neck. The small creature hid behind its trainer, he looked around my age, with dirty blonde hair. The other boy stood around his height with round-rimmed glasses, his Pokémon a Snom, perched on his shoulder eating a snow cone. The last person held onto the pole, with light brunette hair, and his Bidoof perched on his shoulder. Most trainers don't go to new bark unless they're starting their journey.

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The train soon stopped at new bark, it's sliding doors opening. Half of the train's passengers quickly walked off the train, most likely rushing to work. The three teenage boys walked off the train seemingly heading to Professor Elm's office. I followed closely behind them, holding the strap of my bag close to me. The three boys talked to one another, scary. I thought the boys seemed way taller than my 5'3" ass. They opened the door to the professor's office, as I rushed to get there, not wanting to be too late. The office was filled with books and files scattered in every crevice with empty coffee mugs for added flavor. I stepped through a sea of papers and folders not wanting to mess up the...mess. "Ahh, Juno you're here," prof. Elm started, the three boys stared directly at me, making my face flush with embarrassment. I wasn't used to having attention on me, especially in my old town. I gave a small wave and Prof. Elm continued "I've asked you four to come in for a reason," he states, turning around grabbing onto a metal case. "In here," he opens the case, shiny electronic devices placed gently on the foam inside. "These are Pokedexes" moving the case closer to us, the brunette-haired boy was the first to grab the electronic, giving a small thanks to the professor. The next two grabbed their own pokedexes with the light-haired one immediately attempting to see how it works with the dark-haired one looking at it in a confused manner and putting it away. Prof. Elm gestured towards me, I walked up to the case grabbing the last pokedex. I looked at it, deciding that I'm too dumb to figure it out. "Now Juno, your partner is waiting in here.'' Professor Elm grabbed a hold of a pokeball and handed it to me "I think you'll get along well," he smiled at me. I headed over to the others who waited by the door.

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"I don't think I introduced myself" I say as I ran up to them, "My name's Juno" the dirty blonde hair boy was the first to introduce himself "Hi, I'm Ben it's really nice to meet you, to the left of me is Philly, and to the right is my brother, Nate" Nate and Philly each gave me a wave, "sooooo, where you guys heading?" I asked curiously looking up to the taller teens, "uhhh cherrygrove City" philly spoke up, his eyes set onto the flip phone style pokedex. "Wait really?! Would you mind if we traveled together?" I say with pleading eyes not wanting to go into a forest byself. "Sure! It'd be nice to have a new friend come along with us," Ben said, excited to have me tag along.

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