[Ep. 27] If You Have To Choose Between Love and Career, What Will You Choose?

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~At school~

Widelia's POV

"Good morning, sweetie."

"Good morning, Taehyung." I'm not shocked anymore since he's the only one who call me sweetie.

"So, I heard this morning Miss Ailee will give us quiz?"

"Quiz? What quiz? Why I don't know anything?"

"Relax, sweetie. Not an educational quiz. I don't know. Miss Ailee said just wait."

"Oh, ok then..."

"Lets go to class together."

When we enter the class, I heard someone said, "Lovebirds has enter the class..."

I just rolled my eyes but then Taehyung said, "Why? You jealous?"

Then, the class suddenly becomes quiet. I continue walking to my seat.

~Class start~

"So, today you have a quiz. Not an educational quiz. Its a diferent quiz..." Miss Ailee said while smirk.

She give out a paper each for everyone and I read the paper. It writes...

If you have to choose between love and career, what will you choose? And why you choose that. State a reason.

"So, start now. Choose only one."

Without hesitant, I choose career. Because I don't trust love. Love don't last longer.

Inna's POV

What kind of question is this? I look over at Wid who is beside me. She choose career. And I think I choose career too.

Because I want to be a famous idol. I want to have my own money, my own house. I want to success in life. With love will you success?

Shazlyn's POV

"Hana, what do you choose?"

"Career." -Hana


"Because I don't want to be a housewife." -Hana.

"Lazy girl..."

"You must choose love, right?" -Hana

"How do you know?"

"Well... looking at your appearance, I know you will be a good housewife."

I choose love and the reason is I don't know... :p

Hanie's POV


I write the words on the paper and the reason is ... I don't want to be cheat by man again.

"Hanie. What did you choose?" Ara asked as she sneak on my paper.

"Career. Oh..."

"Love?" I asked her.

"The reason is I don't want to work." She said and stick out her tongue.

"I pity your future husband." I said while patting her shoulder.

"What did you two choose?" Mira asked suddenly to us.

Then, I ignore them.

Mira's POV

"What did you two choose?" I asked Hanie and Ara.

"Love." Ara said.

And Hanie ignoring me. I just can sigh. And Ara look at me with sympathy.

"Why you choose career?" Ara asked as she look at my paper.

"Oh! I forgot to state a reason."

"Because career is everything..." Ara read my answer.

Dina's POV

"I choose ... career."

"State the reason, young lady." Miss Ailee said as she pass by my seat.

"I don't trust man. I don't trust love. I don't want love to ruin my life."

"Uuu..." -Leeza

"Leeza, what did you choose?"

"Same as you."

"And the reason is?"

"Men are useless."

I thumbs up to her as she said that.

Jin's POV

"Hey, did you know that almost all the girls choose career." Jimin said.

"Really? What's my girlfriend choose?" J-Hope said.

"She choose love."

"Yes! I know I can trust her!"

'Leeza, Shazlyn what did you two choose...'

J-Hope's POV

Deep in my heart, I really want to know what Inna choose. I bet she must choose career. Because she doesn't trust man.

Ok, wait, why I think about Inna? My girlfriend is Ara.

No One's POV

They didn't know that their choice will lead to something bad... or maybe some will lead to something good? We'll never know what God has plan...

Their love story is getting complicated. Wid and V, although not officialy couple but they act like one. Wid ignore her feelings towards V because she didn't want her dream to crashed because of man.

Inna, J-Hope and Ara. Love triangle. Ara using J-Hope. J-Hope keep on denying his feelings towards Inna. Inna has give up and think that J-Hope is not only man in the world. There's many more.

Dina and Jungkook. Still ignoring each other although they miss each other.

Hanie, Suga and Mira. Hanie still angry at Suga and Mira. Mira wants to be friends with Hanie again. Suga is still thinking about how to confess.

Hana and Rapmon. This lovebirds has nothing to worry cuz they love each other.

Leeza, Jin and Shazlyn. Jin confused about his feelings towards this two girls.

Jimin. Alone. But he has move on. He didn't want to hurt anyone feelings.

(A/N: The title is so long. Lol. So tell me, what will you choose? For me, I choose career. Don't ask why! :-P. Vote and comment!)

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