[Special Chapter] What Happen In WGM Of Wid And V

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(A/N : I don't really watch WGM. So I just do whatever I want in this. Besides, its my story right シ)


"I'll make you fall in love with me within three days." I said and left her dumbfounded. I grab my towel and go to bathroom.


After done doing my business, I saw Wid was arranging her clothes in the closet. I think of a good idea that I think it'll make her blush.

Finally, she saw me walking towards her and quickly look away. I smirk because I'm shirtless and my lower body was wrapped by a towel.

She back away from her place and I continuosly walk to her. Her back finally meet the wall and she can't go away anymore since I trapped her. I put my hand beside her face and lean in. I kiss her cheek and left her again, dumbfounded. And when I went to grab my clothes in my luggage, I think I saw her blushing. I smirk.

Wid's POV

What is up with him? What in the world is he doing? He keep on walking until my back meet the wall so I can't back away anymore.

And did I mention he's being rude? I mean he just out from shower and of course his body and hair is still wet and his hair is messy and make him so freaking hot.

'Damn you wall'

He lean in and I can feel his hot breath tingling on my neck then he kiss my cheek. After doing that, he left me confused and blushing. I touch the part where he kiss my cheek and when he take his clothes to wear I think I saw him smirking.

'I hate you Tae'


After I feel like hours, we arrived at the restaurant where we will shoot our first scene. Its a candlelight dinner. With rose petal around the place and a candle at the middle of the the table accompany with a soft jazz played by the orchestra it make the place very romantic. Not to mention, the view of the place is very beautiful. The restaurant is on the top floor of this building and we can see the whole Jeju in here. (Picture attached)

We sit and the production crew start doing their work. And the waiter take our order. While waiting for our foods to arrive, Taehyung start to play his role as the husband here. He starts to say sweet things at me like,

"Spending time with you is the highlight of my day."

"How can you look so beautiful everyday?"

Well, I try to act cool even though is just like I was running. Its beating so fast. I hope he won't hear it.

After our food arrive, we eat in silence. After a while, Taehyung break the silence and start the conversation.

"I'm glad you accept to be my wife in this show." He said.

"For your information, my manager accept it for me without me knowing anything about it." I reply.

"So you don't like being my wife?"

"Its not like that, Tae. I like it."

"Are you sure?"


Then, silence strikes again. Its not an awkward silence. Its comfortable silence with us enjoying each other company. I almost forget there's a camera here.

"I love you."

"I love you?"

"I love you too." He grin.

"Taehyung." I said. He fool me again. And why am I so blur today?

"Are you done?" He said as he wipe his mouth with the napkin.

"Yup. Why?" I asked.

"I want to bring you to this one place. Let's go." He said and grab my hand.


After like 30 minutes in the car, he brought me to this beach. Its so beautiful in night with the moonlight shine on the sea.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him.

"I know you like sea so much. Lets go."

I take out my high heels and walk barefoot at the beach.

We walk side by side and then suddenly he stop and face me.



"I love you so bad and it hurts me." He said sincerely.

"I... I love you too, Tae. Hard for me to say but I love you too." I said.

He smile and slowly lean in and kiss my lips. So cliche, like in the movie, we kiss under the beautiful moonlight.


I bring her to the beach because I know she love the beach so much. I confess to her and I'm so happy he accept my confession and we kiss under the moonlight.


(A/N : No, its not the ending yet. There's two more chapters I think. Or three. Depends actually. Haha. If I'm lazy, I'll do two. If not, three. Oh and did you watch Bangtan Bomb where they dance to Bba Sae? I love when they being crazy and I love DanceMonster. He gives me life and laughter. Hahaha. XD . See you till the next update. Bye.)

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