[Ep. 38] Leeza And Jin

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No One's POV

"Oh my god!! I'm so excited for you!" Mira said while her hand busy straigten up the bride's clothes.

"Mira, control your hormones please. Not you who is getting married." Hanie said while putting make up on Leeza.

"Can you stop bickering? I'm getting nervous."

"Guys, we should go now. The event will start sooner. We should be there right now." Wid said.

"You girls all ready?" Leeza's father asked from behind the door.

"Yes, uncle. We can go now." Ara said after open the door.

"My daughter looks so beautiful. I raised you well." Mrs. Lee said while wiping her fake tears.


"Lets go. We're late." Mr. Lee said.

"See you there." Wid said as she gesture the other girls to get into the other car.

~At the wedding place~

"Are you ready Leez?" Mr. Lee asked his daughter.

"I'm nervous." Leeza said and stare at her father.

"You"ll be fine." He said, comforting Leeza and then the door was open and reveal the guests. Leeza, accompany by her father walk slowly on the red carpet. She saw her friends already sit on their place while a happy expression plastered at their face. Leeza smile lightly as she has become nearer to Jin.

Mr. Lee release Leeza's hand to Jin. Jin take it while smiling sweetly to his soon-to-be-wife.

"Now we gather here to ... " (A/N: I skip this one.)

"Do you, Kim Seokjin take Leeza Lee as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you, Leeza Lee take Kim Seokjin as your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"You may now kiss your bride."

While smiling handsomely, he lean in to Leeza and kiss her. The guests was clapping to the new husband and wife.

>>>Fast Forward>>> (Night)

Leeza's POV

"Arghhh!! I'm so tired!" I shout like there's no one in the house. Now that I remember Jin is here too. He bought this beautiful house complete with the furniture inside. He said this house was a present to me. I still remember when he said that to me.

~Flashback~ a week ago

"I have something to show you." He said then he dragged me to his car. After 10 minutes, we arrived in front of a house. The house was so beautiful. It has garden full with my favourite flowers, roses, orchids and many more.

Jin open the door and I was greeted with a new furniture(couch, tv, etc) still with have plastic covered them.

"This is a new house?"

"Yup." He said.

"You can go look around. I have to call the tailor." He said and went to the couch.

I wander around looking at the kitchen. The kitchen's concept is modern. Its really beautiful. After kitchen, I went to the biggest room. Its really beautiful. The colours of the room is pink and purple. Its Jin and my favourite colour.

"Jin?"  I called, went to the living room after I noticed he already end his call with the tailor.

"Yes, babe?"

"Who owns this house?" I asked as I was curious with what's the point he brought me here.

"Ours." He said.

"What?" I surprised.

"Yes, its our house. Beautiful isn't it? I bought this house for you." He said while backhug me.

"For me? But why?"

"My present for you. We can live here together, raise our child together and watch our kids playing around and do many more together." He said, smiling sweetly.

"That's so sweet. Thanks Jin."

~End of flashback~

"Why didn't you shower first? Or... did you purposely wait for me?" He smirk.

"Er... I go shower first!" I quickly go to the bathroom to refresh myself. I can hear laughter from him.


After I'm done showering, I grab the towel and crap! I forgot to brought my clothes. What to do?

I wrapped the towel around my body and peek through the door. Jin is not here, line clear!

I go out from the bathroom and go to the closet. When I was about to pick out my pajamas, the door open and reveal Jin.

I was like a statue and just stare at him. Then, he smirk.

"You turn me on."

Then, you know what happen.


(A/N: Sorry for the late update. I will update more during weekend.)

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