Chapter 6

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"So where is this wacky band we're wasting our evenings on?" Lionel comments, arms linked around my neck from the back.

"It's not wacky Lionel, it's art." Beatrix adds as we stroll through downtown Brooklyn. It's getting dark out and the air is getting colder, so I snuggle further into Lionel's grip, which makes him nuzzle his face into my neck.

Beatrix leisurely walks side by side with her girlfriend hand in hand. It's nice to finally see her happy. And even though I don't know Sara well, I think she's good for Beatrix. She's healthy and Beatrix needs healthy right now.

I admire Beatrix and her very expressive outfit. She's got huge, black platform boots. Fishnet leggings. Black jean shorts and a very underground tee-shirt from a local band she's newly obsessed with. Complete with the bull horn nose ring and the blue streaks in her dark brown hair. I especially love the tattoo of my name she drunkenly got on her wrist.

I have one too, but it's not so out in the open like hers is. I can't get tattoos on my wrist because of ballet. Mine is under my left boob, you can only see it when I'm wearing a bikini and surprisingly, I don't regret it.

"Art, my ass." Lionel comments with a snort.

"Your ass is art, Lionel." Beatrix says in mock fondness, leaning over behind him to get a good look. "Don't let anyone tell you differently."

"Sara, you better get your woman." Lionel muses, pointing his finger at Sara.

"Hey, I'm not her keeper." She puts her hands up in surrender. Her voice has a distinct Oxford English accent, making her sound very different in comparison to us. I love women with accents.

Sara is a natural beauty. Her white hijab compliments her silky light brown skin and her hands are scattered with rings and bracelets of all sizes and colours. She's got style too. I applaud Beatrix for finding someone so beautiful.

I think Beatrix mentioned Sara living with her parents back home when she lived in Europe but now she's transferred to New York to attend some really pricey, rich school that has an amazing art program. Both Sara and Beatrix go to the school and attend some of the same art classes. I actually think that's how they met.

Lionel laughs. "Okay, come and get me then, witch bitch." His nickname for Beatrix ever since she asked us to participate in her seance. It was just for fun but we couldn't get Lionel to stop laughing during the whole thing. He never takes anything seriously, especially when Beatrix talks about astrology. He thinks star signs are a bunch of bullcrap and Beatrix says it's because he's a Leo. Whatever that means.

Beatrix chases Lionel down the sidewalk. Laughing and yelling in the background ensues.

"I promise, it's not always like this." Sara and I watch the chaos from a distance.

"I kinda love it." She smiles highlighting her dimples and her crystal complexion.

I realize I do too. My friends are everything to me. I couldn't imagine losing them. It's been just us since forever. What if My aunt Wanda, and Mr. Storm are right? What if I lose them to ballet. What If I fall too far like my Mother did?

I'm never gonna let something like that happen. I don't care if it kills me to balance such a busy schedule.

Lionel smashes his foot down into a puddle causing Beatrix to get splashed, which makes Beatrix chase Lionel all over again.

"Guys!" I scream. "We're gonna be late."

Beatrix huffs. "See, now you've made us late." She whips the water off of her tights like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

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