여신 강림 에피소드 8!

51 4 2

DAY 1: 

It's 9am everyone slowly heads into the bus Han Seojun saves a seat for Lim Jukyung while Lee Suho sat behind the bus saving a seat for her too. As she gets on the bus she looks at Seojun. She turns around and walks past him and sits next to Suho. Seojun was disappointed and looked back at her and Suho too. Seojun's friends sit next to Seojun and start talking until they get to their destination.




Jukyung: Heyyy we're finally here!!

She looks at Sua and Soojin and smiles brightly. Jukyung's plan is to stay away from Han Seojun as much as possible after what he said. 

Finding a job is very hard and no one understands especially with a family business that's currently falling apart... 

Jukyung: Sua what's the time now?

Sua: Let's see... it's 10.05am 


Sua and Jukyung check the direction seeing all of Jukyung's classmates running towards them. 

Jukyung: Who??


Jukyung: Huh??

Yoo Taehoon: Everyone is talking about it 

As Lee Suho and Kang Soojin gather around with the other students watching Lim Jukyung.

Jukyung: Ah...???

Soojin: YA YA STOP! Lim Jukyung do you like either of them? 

Jukyung: Um... no?

Soojin: There's your answer now stop crowding all around her 

Suho: What's happening? 

Jukyung: They're all annoying Suho-ah... 

Suho comes up to her and tells them to stop annoying her. 

Jukyung: Let's take a photo!

As she holds the stick to catch everyone on the tiny screen she looks straight. Han Seo Jun. She turns around and the crew turns with her.

Jukyung: 1 2 3!







12hrs later everyone finished the activities that were given and went back to their tends. Throughout the whole day, Han Seojun seems to keep losing his chances to talk to Lim Jukyung.

When the moon is shining down brightly he decides to find Jukyung. He strolls around the front yard and sees afar that she is squatting down doing something. He comes up to her and holds her wrist. 

She looks at him blankly with no emotions. 

Seojun: Lim Jukyung... 

Jukyung: What? 

Seojun: Why do you keep running away from me...?

Jukyung: Because of how you responded to my situation. You hurt my feelings if you didn't realize 

Seojun: About finding a job?

She nods in displease still grabbed by him. 

Seojun: I didn't mean to... I'm sorry... I was joking you know 

Jukyung: And I'm also hurt because all the girls are fangirling over you... 

Seojun: I'm not interested, but wait... are you jelly? 

Jukyung: No, I wAs JoKiNg tOO

She hesitated still looking at him. 

Seojun: Mmm I see

They both look fondly at each other. The footsteps slowly are heard but are ignored. 

Jukyung: Han Seojun...

No time he slowly brought her head closer. He touches her lips then kisses her.  






Suho saw it all. 

Seojun: Why are you not kissing me back..... 

Jukyung: I- um... 

She looks down knowing she has no clue how to kiss but she really wants to kiss him back. He realises the situation and instead pecks her lips for the last time. 

Seojun: Next time don't run away okay? Talk to me instead of running, it doesn't solve the problem 

He goes back smiling looking at her. Her cheeks turns red like a tomato. 

Jukyung: Mmm okay 

Seojun: Good girl

He headpats her head and stood up.  

Seojun: Goodnight Lim Jukyung

Jukyung: Huh- oh yeah.. goodnight Seojun-ah

Jukyung ran the second he walked off to her tent. Seojun walks off smiling seeing her cute reaction and sees a figure. 

Seojun: Suho? 

His smile fades away the second he saw him standing watching the moment. 

Suho: Did you enjoy tasting her lips? 

He sarcastically says to Seojun in rage inside. 

Seojun: Indeed I did enjoy tasting her sweet lips 

Suho got angrier and walks closer to him without thinking twice.  

Suho: You must be glad you took her first kiss 

Seojun: Indeed I'm beyond glad 

Suho: Watch me take her away from you and she'll run to me instead of you

Seojun: As if pussy, bahaha good luck with that joke happening 

He walks away leaving Suho standing there as the moon shines on him. Suho got angry but he knows if he gives up on her he won't have her so instead he will give his best to take her away from Han Seojun. 




True Beauty 여신강림 ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora