여신 강림 에피소드 11! (Seojun Version)

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As everyone got out of the bus everyone says goodbye to their friends and teachers after their long trip from their end of year school camp. 

Suho: I'll text you later

Jukyung: Okay

Suho: Goodbyeeeeee 

Soojin: Byeee Jukyung!!

She waves at her while smiling. 

Jukyung: Byeee Soojin-ah and Suho

Seojun: Let's go Jukyung 

Soojin and Suho went together because they have a family meeting at 6 pm. 

Seojun: Did you have fun with the trip?

Jukyung: I did I had so much fun with you and ate delicious food on the other hand 

Seojun: Me too

Both laugh while walking to the bus stop to go home.  

Seojun: I'm getting tired every minute, I wanna nap 

Jukyung: Yeap... 

Seojun: When is the bus coming Jukyung?

Jukyung: I remember it said 3.30 I'm pretty sure 

Seojun: Um... it's past 3.30...

Jukyung: Oh bahahaha I meant 4.30 

Seojun: Oh okay 

Jukyung: 4.30 pm the bus will arrive 

Seojun: Let me carry that backpack for you

Jukyung: Nooo don't it'll be heavy for youuu

Seojun: The backpack I have on isn't heavy you can carry it while I carry yours 

Jukyung: Fine 

As they exchange the bags, from afar they see the bus was coming towards the bus stop. 

Jukyung: Ya Ya the bus is coming hurry let's go!!

Lim Jukyung runs while carrying n' holding the bags while Han Seojun follows behind. 

Seojun: Jesus Lim Jukyung what do you have in hereeee!!

Jukyung doesn't listen and stands at the bus stop, after a minute Seojun stands next to her, all puffing from that running. The bus stops at the bus stop then they get in check-pass the bus card. They sit down at the back of the bus putting the bags beside them as they sit together. 

Jukyung: Were finally on the bus 

Seojun: Agh.. yeah 

Jukyung: Seojun-ah 

Seojun: Hmm? 

Jukyung: Are you gonna drop me off?

Seojun: Yeah 

Jukyung: But your bags??? 

Seojun: It's okay I told my sister to come with me 

Jukyung: Mmm okay be careful 

Seojun: I know 

He smiles cutely knowing how much she cares for him. He finds it very sweet of her. 

Jukyung: I'm so tired now... I'm so close to sleeping 

Seojun: Me too 

Jukyung: All that running...

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