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"I kept quiet so I could keep you"

Felix Weston
(Love Victor)


Rory was late to class that morning. She had a habit of becoming late now. She was forgetting that she wasn't meant to stand outside of Felix's apartment building and wait for him and was finding herself doing so before running off to school. It was like her brain would not let her accept what had happened so felt it was better to just keep following the routine. She hated that she couldn't snap herself out of it. But one thing she hated infinitely more was the stares she got as she walked down the hall. Everyone had become increasingly aware of the girls recent break up and she loathed it. It was like she had to receive the pity from everyone. Even hanging out with Victor was awful, because every time the conversation got quiet, he would turn to her with a sad look on his face and ask if she was alright. She wasn't of course. She really liked Felix and couldn't help but feel that their relationship was cut short because he was impatient. The amount of attention she was getting was enough to make the girl nervous to step in and out of any class and so being late was really taking its toll on her. As she made her way into the class, she felt everyone's eyes on her and saw their sympathetic glances but what hurt most was the way Lake was looking at her. She had guilt in her eyes and Rory didn't want to believe what she had been thinking could be true. She was very aware that he had been slightly interested in the girl before but she worried so much that they had been more. Felix had told her she was being crazy anytime she brought it up so she dropped it, thinking she was maybe just paranoid. But the way Lake looked at her was leaving a burn on her skin. She took her seat and let a tear slip down her face, quickly wiping it up so no one would notice her moment of vulnerability. She sat back and tried to listen to what the teacher was explaining but she could just feel all the eyes on her and she couldn't stand it. She wanted nothing more than to go home and be held in her ex boyfriends arms as she cried but she knew it wouldn't happen. Halfway through the first lesson, Lake asked to go to the bathroom which honestly Rory thought nothing about as she tried to continue writing down the notes from the board. The stares had slowly stopped and she felt like she could breathe now without anyone asking if she was okay. After a short while she felt the teacher make her way over to the front of her desk which made Rory look up at her confused.
"Would you be able to get me the models from the storage cupboard?" She asks and the girl nods as she makes her way out of the room.
She hummed softly to herself as she walked along the corridor before she came to the door, she opened it and walked in, immediately searching for the light switch when she felt her hand touch something else.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry, is someone in here?" She asks as she turns her phones flashlight on and shines it in the face, or in this case, faces in front of her.
She feels her heart sink as she sees Felix stood there with Lake held securely in his arms. She closed her eyes and sucked her lips in as she felt herself fill up with pain, anger and embarrassment. She had been right the entire time and didn't even know how to react. She stood frozen for a few seconds before she grabbed the models box and left the room quickly, trying to conceal the tears in her eyes.
"No hey Rory wait!" Felix says grabbing at her arm, turning her around.
"Why should I? I was right about her and it's only been two weeks Felix"
"Well it's been a little longer"
She knew that the pair had talked when they were together, she knew it and she was so mad at him for it.
"Why her?"
Felix breathed in for a minute before he even thought about answering.
"We'll she is beautiful and kind and funny and she smiles at me like I'm the only person in the world and I feel these little butterflies when I'm with her"
"Oh my god, you've been in love with her this whole time"
"No I haven't" he tries to deny.
"There's no damn way that you could fall in love with her that quickly"
Rory felt light headed as the pair continued to talk, both of them knowing this would end in a full blown fight.
"Can I be honest?" He asks to which she nods in response.
"I only really dated you because you were the next best thing cause I knew I had no chance with her" he confesses and she feels her heart finally snap.
And that is when Rory Michaelson lost her mind and let Felix and the whole school know.
Felix looked at her scared as he watched how her breathing became uneasy and tears streamed down her face like a waterfall as her eyes were emitting rage.
"God I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you" she seethes as she turns away for him and taking a few steps forward before turning back.
"When she's sleeping in the bed we made, don't you DARE forget about the way you betrayed me" she screams at him as her tears start to blind her vision.
She couldn't believe she had left herself be hurt this badly and she was not surprised to see a teacher or two and quite a few students trying to watch what was happening in the corridor.
"Oh look, you made me cause a scene, I guess your new girlfriend can post about this on her creeks secrets" she snaps before turning around and walking into her class, slamming the box down on the front desk before she grabbed her stuff and made her way out of her class. She heard loud steps behind her and felt a hand on her shoulder which made her turn around. Victor stood behind her and pulled the girl into a hug as she sobbed into his chest.
"He told me he dated me cause I was second best" she wails and he feels her pain make his way to him.
"I've never felt so hurt Victor"
"I can imagine"
"Was it my fault?"
"No, you deserved better" he whispers and she nods as the pair continue to stand there, not caring about the students passing them by.
Eventually he let her go and she smiled at him sadly before she started to make her way to the doors. She was going to go home and just it out but she knew in that moment what he really was. Felix Weston was a traitor.

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