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"Good for you, you're doing great out there without me"

Jeff Winger


Scarlett Watson was salty, she was petty and most importantly she was sour. She walked around the school with her head held high and a stack of papers shoved under her arm. She stared people down in the halls with a fierce glare. Most people moved out of the way to avoid her, not liking how the once angelic and sweet girl had turned into a bit of a bitch. She had changed her ways, cut and died her hair to fit the image of a broken hearted girl and had started to cut everyone off. She nudged past people and sent glares to everyone who gave her a look. She made her way to the notice board and slammed pieces of paper in the centre of each and stuck a pin harshly at the top of the pages. She went around shoving her fliers into peoples lockers and under classroom doors until she had run out of them. She then walked to her locker and shoved in a few books into her bag before she caught a view of the person who made her this way. She rolled her eyes and slammed the locker door making people look towards her. She took this attention in her stride as she walked along the corridor and slammed her hand on the poster making people look towards it. She was going to get her words out one way or another.


Abed Nadir walked along the corridor with his friends, wondering what all the commotion in the corridor had been about a few minutes prior. He walked over to the notice board and saw the piece of paper that had recently been put up. His eyes widen at the sight of it.

8 PM
Study room F
Be there, and be SOUR

"Hey guys, do you know that our study room is being used for a rage fest seemingly tonight" he says and everyone stops, coming over to take a look at the poster.
"Oh my god, who's doing this?" Annie asks slightly upset.
"I'm not even sure, but we could go and see" Britta suggests, low-key liking the whole feel of the purple and black poster.
She had also seen who had been carrying around the posters previously and wanted to see the girl again, she missed her.
The group unanimously decided that going to the event was a good idea and made plans to show up that night, not knowing about how intense it was going to get.


Jeff, Annie, Abed and Britta walked into the study room that night, amazed at all the purple and black sparkly decorations that covered the room. The table had been moved into the middle of the room and was covered in a large piece of wood to make it into a stage and the lights had been turned off. There were purple disco lights in the corners of the room and red LED lights wrapped around the table. The room was already pretty full by the time the group got there and the time was slowly coming up to the one on the poster, making everyone feel excited for what was to come. The lights soon started flashing and loud music started to play as someone walked through the crowd to make their way over to the stage. The girl was dressed in a short black dress and had on purple suede heels with her hair cascading down her back messily. She had on a black leather jacket with purple buttons and patches. She took someone's hand and used them to lift herself onto the stage. She lifted the microphone that had been in her hand and lifted it to her mouth.
"Greendale" she pauses.
"Let's get sour!" She yells and everyone stays to cheer.
That's when the lights shone on her face and Jeff Winger recognised the girl as his ex. Someone he knew he had hurt a lot and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable where he was.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen and non binary people, welcome to good for you, tonight is going to be all about telling the group what you're mad about" she starts before noticing who was stood in the crowd.
Their eyes grazed over each other and she let a smirk fall onto her face.
"What I'm mad about is Jeff Winger, who's stood right over there" she says pointing over at the spot he is stood in.
"Now as some of you may know, me and Jeffery were together for quite a few months and I was very happy but then, he went and fucked it all up"
Everyone started to boo as she bit her lip and stared at him. Regret was washing over him as he realised he had practically created a monster who was out to destroy him.
"Well good for you boy, you look happy and healthy but not me yknow if you ever cared to ask" she seethes.
She notices how Annie places her arm onto Jeff's arm, she always knew that she had a thing for her boyfriend and now she was going to have free range of him. It made Scarletts blood boil, the deep red substance and anger in her was rising slowly. Tonight was her night to let people yell about whatever or whoever had hurt them the most recently. She did not plan to have to watch her ex boyfriend and his friend flirt in front of her. She let out an angry sigh and raised her microphone back up to her lips.
"I mean look you have a new girl now, you're doing great out there without me like a damn sociopath" she cackles and he looks at her worried.
"Oh baby, don't look at me that way, like you're worried or sorry, you made me into the monster I am tonight, be proud of your creation" she smiles sadistically.
He didn't like this, not one bit. This wasn't his Scarlett, she didn't wear clothes like this or create events for people to rage. She kept the peace and smiled at people, she was kind and now she was going insane.
"Enjoy tonight everyone, scream about the people you hate cause good for them but we won't be forgotten" she shouts into the mic before stepping off of the makeshift stage.
The crowd starts to applaud her as she nudged past Jeff and his friends and held up her middle finger as she left the room, happy and proud of herself for what she had done that night.

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