enough for you

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"Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded"

Jonah Simms


Maxine really didn't like where she worked anymore. It wasn't the fault of the job or the always happy manager. It was the fault of one of her coworkers and that's what hurt her most.  The people here were meant to be her friends but she knew she had to be careful who she talked to about everything that was going through her head. She walked in on that Wednesday morning and quickly made her way to her locker, shoving in her bag and putting on her blue vest before checking the schedule and making her way back onto the floor. She wasn't naive, she had seen the sorrowful glances her friends had been giving her for the past few weeks. She would always feel so on edge when one of them walked up to her, not ready to face another conversation about her breakup. As she made her way through the aisles, she noticed him walk into the store with a bright smile on his face. She couldn't believe how hard she had tried to make herself look good for him. She had gone out of her way to make sure she always looked her best because she didn't want to be anything less than the girls he had previously dated. She made herself someone she was not for him. She even read his self help books so he would think that she was smarter than she actually was. She hated that he was completely fine after their breakup and she felt stupid for how she was feeling. She would hide herself away in the bathroom or in her car where she would blast sad music and just let herself cry. She had moved all of his stuff out of her home and placed the boxes at his car after work one day, not even wanting to talk to. What she thought was worse than all of it was the way he had immediately moved on to Amy. Now Maxine really liked Amy, she liked to think that they were close friends but something shifted in her when it all happened. She almost felt betrayed. She knew it can't have been all Amy's fault but she couldn't help but feel like maybe if she had been more for Jonah, he would've stayed. All she wanted was to be enough for him. It felt like every time she tried though, she was tossed aside.
She could remember countless times that she had planned dinner or set up dates or made sure he had everything he needed for the day. However, he never really cared for her efforts, she would get the occasional thank you but he had a habit of ignoring it or not showing up and it hurt her deeply.
She saw how close he was with Amy throughout their entire relationship and wondered if she had been more exciting and that's why he left her the way he did.
She'll never forget the day he came home and told her it was over.
She had noticed that over time, his stuff had progressively gone missing in the house and he had never made a comment when she brought it up.
So when he came home two weeks before, he had been ever so blunt. Just walked towards her at the dinner table, put his keys in front of her and told her he didn't love her before he walked out.
Maxine had felt her fragile heart snap into a million pieces that night and had refused to come into work the next day. She couldn't believe how he had left her like that and wondered for days on end where she went wrong.
Now she had to watch Jonah parade about with a massive smile on his face as he relentlessly flirted with the floor supervisor who would flirt back right in front of her. She had watched as all her co workers had started to support the pair. She would overhear them discussing how the two of them should get together already before apologising to the girl behind them, forgetting she had even been there in the first place.

Maxine walked into the back of the store to replace stock and quickly noticed that her ex was stood there too. He glanced at her before looking back to his job. She had suffered enough, she wasn't going to hold back as she walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder, turning him to look at her. He gave her a look of confusion as her eyes started to well up with tears. She didn't like how vulnerable she was being so she quickly wiped her eyes before she cleared her throat.
"How could you do that to me?" She asks and he looks at her as if he doesn't know what she's talking about.
"Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded" she whispers and he looks at her sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry Max, I really am"
"Don't tell me your sorry, feel sorry for yourself cause one day Jonah Simms, I'm going to be everything to somebody else and they'll think I'm so exciting and you'll be the ones who crying alright, so at least try and act like I meant something to you" She pauses for a breath as he gives her a look of sadness and regret.
"I was good enough for you, and I'm tired of pretending I wasn't" She seethes at him before letting go and making her way out of the area with a growing smirk on her face.
She made her way through the store and held her head high proudly. She wanted to badly to speak up to Jonah and tell him how he had hurt her and now she finally had. In all honesty, she felt sorry for him because it seemed like nothing would ever be enough for him. But that wasn't her issue anymore because she was and she always will be good enough.

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