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_________Émeline pov__________

Running at full sprint I feel the rough diving boards material underneath my feet, taking a final step I push off the diving board and jump into the water. Feeling the cold yet glorious water cover my body and flow through my hair and lashes.

Coming up for air my long hair flows like a trail of smoke behind me, I look over to the diving board to see Damiano attempt a backflip off the diving board, mastering it he comes up in the water beside me. Vic lay flat tanning on one of the lounge chairs and Ethan getting ready to come swim.

After the incident in my bedroom I look at Ethan in a totally different way, yes he was sweet and kind and he still is. But now I know his dark and dirty side and it makes me want to learn more.

I watch him pull his dark hair into his hand, grabbing an elastic off of his wrist and put his hair into a low bun. Feeling my stare he looks over to me and smirks, causing me to turn red and look away.

Walking over to the diving board he takes a leap and cannonball's into the salt water leaving me blinded by the water for a few seconds. Treading, he swims up to Damiano and I, his hair now wet and falling out of his man-bun.

I grip the ladder and climb up it, the sun scorched concrete stings my feet as I walk across it towards peaceful Victoria. She is in a light blue bikini and sunglasses, letting the heat and sun rays hit her body.

"You are no fun, come on and get up! Live a little!" I whine whilst pulling on her wrist, giving in she arises from her lounge chair with an annoyed smile on her face "fine" she mumbles.

We walk towards the deep end, hand in hand we both leap back into the cold pool water. Coming up for air we were all now in the pool al hanging on to floaties in the water.

I try to get myself up on one of the inflatable rafts in the water, with Damiano's aid I finally manage to get laying down on the hot pink raft.

Watching all the others below me treading water I feel a humorous higher power, which reminds of that Coldplay song that I had heard on the radio recently called Higher power.

Bored I start to hum its tune, and fidget with the strings on my bathing suit.

"Guys you should hear Em sing, she is amazing" I hear Vic say to Ethan and Damiano.

I quickly sit up to protest against her, yes I do enjoy singing but I never do it in front of anyone, Victoria has only heard me about four times in our life of being friends.

"Really, Émeline you should sing for us" Damiano suggests but I quickly shake my head out of fright.

"Oh come one, please?" Ethan begs but I don't budge still shaking my head I say "I don't sing in front of people, only alone, so no."

"Em, you are never going to get used to being on stage if you have this anxiety every time someone asks you to do something in front of them" Victoria says softly, knowing about my panic attacks that I have before some things.

"I know, I know"

"You don't need to sing for us if you don't want to, just know that we would love it" Ethan says sweetly, giving me an assuring smile.

"Fine" I sigh "I will sing for you guys, but only a small part of a song! What should I sing?"

"I dunno" Damiano shrugs "just a favourite song for yours" he suggests.

"Ok" I breathe, trying to contain the knots in my stomach I start with a familiar tune that I love. Fettwood Mac. "Just like the white winged dove, Sings a song, sounds like she's singing"

Interrupted in my song Victoria does a "ooh baby" and then Damiano chimes in with another "ooh baby" and Ethan finishes with a "ooh" just like in the song.

"You have a beautiful voice" Ethan compliments, I couldn't help but blush and then Damiano adds "I agree, we could sing together some time"

"I have seen her lip sing the lyrics to our songs while she played guitar so she could probably do it" Victoria notices.

"Yeah, that would be super cool" I smile, relieved at what I had done. We all start to get out of the pool and dry off, we had to pack up all our belongings for the start of our drive early in the morning.

I was surprised when I found out that Jer got us our own tour busses, one for staff and one for band so I got the whole band experience. After drying myself off I stroll up to my room to fix up my hair, grabbing a hair brush of the desk table I try to brush out my tangled knots.

Having long thick wavy hair was always a hassle after swimming, I groan as the brush rips though my hair. Feeling a hot breath on the back of my neck I stop in my tracks.

"Need help Em?" The voice rasps from behind me, I turn and meet with the beautiful dark eyes of Ethan as he stared in to mine. Hesitant for a second I nod my head and hand him my hair brush.

Staring in the mirror I watch his serious face behind me as he grabs  a section of my hair and begins to brush through it. His touch on my neck and shoulders makes me shiver and and get instant butterflies.

His painted fingers grab another section of my hair as he combs through the tangles with ease, I never thought about how good at hair he must be if he has had long hair almost his whole life.

He notices me get tense from each touch he gives me, brushing more of my hair towards him he whispers in my ear "relax darling"

His whisper in my ear was enough to make me feel like jumping off a bridge, his soft touch on my skin was enough to make me melt like ice cream into his hands and become a sticky mess.

The things that Ethan makes me feel when I am with him was like no other person I have been with before in my whole life. He makes me smile when I hear his name, he makes me shiver, he gives me butterflies by just calling me a nickname.

After finishing up my hair he places the brush back in my hands and leaves the room.

Thank god I can breathe now.

I flop down on my bed, remembering that I have bags to pack up for tour I jump up and walk over to my bag. I shove all my clothes in, not worrying about folding them I zip the bag up and head downstairs to pack up my guitar equipment.

Jogging down the tiled stairs I turn the corner and head into the studio, my guitar had been left just where I last had it. Picking it up I am just about to pack it up when I hear a unfamiliar sound that makes me jump.


I can feel my heart start to jump out of my chest and I peek out the corner of the studio to see the commotion, feeling reassuring hands on my shoulders I turn around.

"Whoa calm down there" I Ethan laughs "Damiano is just fixing the sound on the television, you didn't think those were real did you?"

"No of course not" I lie, hoping that he would buy it I add "the loud noise just scared me"

He hums and then walks out of the room.

God how could I be so stupid.

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