2 0 Strictly formal

939 26 1

I actually want to apologize for my book. This is my first book and seeing all you lovely comments and reads has been so overwhelming. I know a writer shouldn't do this but I changed up the story a little bit so if you need to re read any chapters I edited start at 12 and work you way back here.

If you do t want to then just read this: There is now no black rose and none of Måneskin is in the mafia or any gang. They are not bad and nothing has happened with Kylian.  Émeline is not scared of Ethan but just scared to fall in love with him.

I again am so sorry and if you want to stop reading I totally understand:/

Anyway I love you all so much stay strong you gorgeous people and keep reading!


Her colourful manicured hand fumbles against the screen of her phone as she types away to her multiple friends back in France. Feeling homesick she misses the company from her few close friends Jénette, Leise and Marco.

Resting on the couch of the tour bus trying to find any distraction to keep her away from her motion sickness. Already an hour and a half in to the three hour and fifteen minute drive to Milan.

Her bags were kept close by, trying hard to contain her excitement for the trip. Always wanting to travel all over Europe this was a chance to do it all, and with her friends by her side.

Her nails tapped on her phone until she could find a language app to practice her Italian, she was always able to understand when people spoke it to her but when she try's to speak it just sounds like gibberish.

She quietly mumbles the words to herself as she tries to pronounce Scherzo. Being a French girl she always finds a way I to make the Italian words sound French, she always tries to get her friends to learn French but some of them were struggling with English so she though she could help in that.

She feels the couch sink down beside her and the prominent scent of cologne filling her nose, she looks over to the the only long haired Italian boy beside her peering to her phone screen.

Wanting to get away from her Italian class she switches it to English to help Ethan who was shirtless with pyjama pants. He furrows his brows at some words and she laughs when he tries to say them. But when it was her turn to say something she would always mess up.

"Penguin walks on the ice" the French girl says slowly so that Ethan could understand the pronunciation.

He furrows his brows and licks his lips before saying "penguin walks on the ice" in his accent. For some reason he had trouble saying penguin.

"bon travail!" She sometimes lets her French seep through in the middle of her sentences but the others were smart enough to form what it means.

The last hour of the drive to Milan consisted of laughing as Émeline and Ethan try to pronounce words in the language they are learning before the bus halts in front of a magnificent hotel.

Glancing out the window to the beautiful Italian hotel in front of her taking in each small aspect of the building. The busses pull up in front of the hotel as they walk out and thank the driver like always before taking their bags in hand.

Jerry rushes over to the chatting group with his usual cigarette behind his ear and clipboard in hand, looking up at us for he had a small stubby shape he announces tonight's plans "ok guys so tonight we are leaving for a party that all the big business gather at, this is not the kind of party's you guys are used to. It is formal, so I want you all in suits and dresses and no getting drunk, I have a car coming for you at 8:30 sharp"

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