"Am I a spirit?"

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Short but lore -A/n


Shido: Hey Y/n....

Y/n: Shido.... I saw what happened yesterday...

Shido: What I saw you leave.

Y/n: You did... I now know about spirits.... I know you do too.

Kotori: Shido, What's going on I can't hear anything...

Y/n: Shido.... Am I a spirit?

Shido: What????

Y/n: In the terms of Ratatoskr am I a spirit.

Shido: I don't think male spirits exist but if you do then.

Y/n: Kotori, don't you know the AST is researching about me.

Shido: How... How do you know...

Y/n: How could I not know... If I am one.

Shido: Y/n you were the one who created the spacequake before... the one in the forest...

Y/n: That's me... Y/n Soot.

Shido: That's why it seemed as if you appeared out of nowhere because you did...

Y/n: I'll explain everything when we have the time. But this is not the time.

*Y/n disapears in a cloud of smoke*

Kotori: Shido what happened.

Shido: I have no clue

Y/n Pov

Y/n: Well I made myself clear...

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