Origiami vs Codename: Ghost

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(Am I doing this? YES. Am I going to regret this? YES. -A/n)

*Y/n has been gone for so long that most people forgot about him... till.*

Y/n: Time to make a new spirit name... Ghost.

*Y/n goes out of the nether portal*

Y/n: Time to show people what happens when you are forgotten.

*Y/n goes outside and raises his hand. The Spacequake alarm has been triggered*

*Y/n has a mask that looks like dream's mask but red and black*

Y/n: (Different voice): Let's start the fight...

Origami: Who are you?

Y/n: Name's Ghost... and I'm here to fully introduce myself.

Origami: Well... I'm here to exterminate you.

Y/n: Well your gonna have the worse day.

Origami: Are you sure?

Y/n: Nova.

Origami: What? 

*Y/n makes a ball of energy around him and it slowly glows more*


Y/n: Explosion.

*A giant explosion envelops Y/n and Origami and when it goes aways Origami is laying down hurt.*

*Shido runs and sees Origami lying down hurt as Y/n walks straight over her*

Shido: Who are you?

Y/n: The new.... no the true first boy spirit.

Shido: No... Y/n is the first male spirit.

Y/n: Oh him... Why do you think you haven't seen him?

Shido: You...

Y/n: Boom.

*An explosion hits shido and that's...*


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