Finale: The dragon fight.

75 2 2

(We will win. -A/n)

Ghost / Y/n: It's time for the truth to come out.

*Ghost / Y/n is in the stronghold and has 12 eyes of ender*

Y/n: Let's see if they can hear what I'm doing.

*Y/n places down an eye and a loud noise comes from the portalframes*

Y/n: I have to do this quick.

*With Shido*

Shido: This day is nice. I'm on the beach and resting. Nothing can go wrong.

*1 loud boom followed by 10 other booms shakes shido*

Shido: Nevermind.

Tokha: Shido-san what was that?

Shido: Let's go find out.

*With Y/n*

Y/n: One more. One more eye.

Shido: Ghost!

Y/n: I see you made it Shido.

Shido: What are you doing?

Y/n: Why don't I show you. *Holds up last eye*

Shido: GHOST!!!

*Y/n placed the last eye*

*The frame of the portal expload and created a rift in time*

Y/n: That was more explosive than I expected.

*Y/n jumps in*

Y/n: Just need to kill the dragon then I'm out of here.

Shido: GHOST! How did you make this?

Y/n: Shido? How did you survive that explosion.

Shido: Where are we?

Y/n: You want to escape right? The only way to escape is to kill the dragon.

Shido: How do you know that?

Y/n: I've been here before. In my own nightmares.

Shido: I won't let you kill an innocent creature.

Y/n: Innocent? Ha tell that to the endermen around here.


Y/n: How sad...

Shido: You'll have to kill me first.

Y/n: Are you sure you want this?

Shido: You can't win.

Y/n: A shame.

Shido: Wha- Y/n's voice?

*Y/n traps shido in obisidian.*

Y/n: Time to kill the dragon.

*Y/n "beds" the dragon*

Y/n: Ok just need t go through the portal.

Shido: Tokha now.

*Tokha's sword hit's Y/n's mask and breaks it.*

Shido: Y/n?!?!?!

Y/n: No...

*Y/n rushes towards the portal and pulls out end crystals*

Shido: Y/n! WAIT!

*Y/n places down all of the crystals and gets launched by Tokha attacking him.*

Y/n: NO!!!

Shido: TOKHA!

Tokha: That's what you get for attacking Shido.

*Y/n fly's to the the portal to the end island*

Y/n: NOVA!!!

*A giant explosion happens and Y/n gets sucked into a rift in time*



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