Poor Shido

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Sorry yesterday I had a stomach ache -A/n


Y/n: Why isn't there anything interesting ahhhhhhhhhhhg.

Shido: Hey Y/n you good.

Y/n: I'm so bored....

Shido:Okay but I heard a transfer student is comming today...

Y/n: So???

Shido: Come on dude our teacher announced it.

Y/n: She let's me sleep in her class since every question she gives me I answer correctly.

Shido: Come on

Y/n: Shido... I don't mess with spirits that much...

Shido: But..

Y/n: I'll trust you once but I'm not dating a spirit.

Shido: But I hate harems....

Y/n: Then suffer...

Shido: Fine but you have to help me talk to her.

Y/n: Fine... But I get 20 yen.

Shido: deal....

Y/n: Where is she.

Shido: On the roof.

Y/n: You left her on the roof?

Shido: Yep...


Y/n: So Ratatoskr messed up and you need to salvage it?

Shido: Yep....

Y/n: Shido.... Alway's ask me before you do something...

Shido: Sorry

Y/n: Let's see.

Kurumi: You must be shido's friend. I'm Kurumi.

Y/n: Y/n, and yes I'm this idiot's friend.

Shido: Hey.

Kurumi: Ara Ara Shido.

Y/n: Wait a second... Oh no Shido she is a yandere. 

Shido: You good Y/n.

Y/n: Yep.


I don't have the time for Y/n to meet Mana. So that's the end. -A/n

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