Chapter 5

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"Party?" I looked up at Mamoru from across the dining table. I was eating some pancakes my big brother made. I was looking at a newspaper articles about a party and the princess will be revealing their family treasure.

"Yeah, it's a school night so I want you to stay here. Unless you have friends that willing to let you sleep over." He said as he finally sat down to eat his breakfast.

I thought about it and gave out a sigh. I took out a pink invitation slip, "I think you need me for this one." I handed it to him. He read over it then looked at me.

"How did you get this?" He asked a bit confused. Well why would a 3rd grader get an invitation to a party, especially when it's one of the greatest parties.

"I got it when I went to get the mail." I said as I ate another piece of pancake. "Awo Iw cwah ihiwthe-" I stopped myself and let me swallowed my food. I cleared my throat, "Sorry, but I can invite you. It said I can bring someone along." Also I personally I wanted to see the jewel, not an everyday opportunity.

He sighed as he leaned back in his chair with arms crossed. "Alright, I guess this way it would be easier." He said as I smiled, "But you don't exactly have a dress."

"I find something so don't worry." But he was right, I don't have a dress but oh well.


"Awwww I wanna see the princess!" I opened the classroom door and heard someone whine. I'm guessing that was Usagi-chan.

"What princess?" I asked as I walked over to her and two other girls.

"Didn't you read the newspaper? A princess is here to reveal her family's treasure!" A girl with curly hair said.

"Oh that, yeah I can't wait to go." I said as placed my bag on my desk that wasn't that far. Then it was silent. Wait, did I say something wrong?

"Whaaaaaa?!!!" I heard the three girls shout as I cover my ears. Again, did I say something wrong?

"Friendina how come you get to go?" Usagi asked.

"Me and onii-chan got invited," I said bluntly then blinked, "Ooooh so I guess you three aren't going." I said in realization.

"Eeeeh no fair!! I want to go!" Usagi pouted as she sat down next to me. "Can you bring a friend?"

"Sorry Usa-chii, if I could I would bring you." I said frowning slightly.

After that the teacher came inside and begin to give a lecture.


After school ended, I told onii-chan I was gonna go shopping with my friends. It was lie, I was shopping but without my friends.

"Friendina?" I heard someone call me as I turn to see a cat. The same cat as last time.

I blinked and kneel towards the cat. "L-luna? Right?"

'Luna' nodded and she gestured me to come inside. I looked up, it was the game center that I went when I first came here.

I followed inside and saw Usa-chii, Ami, Rei, and Motoki all talking.

"Uh... h-hello?" I said waving slightly.

"Friendina! Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to get ready?" Usa-chii asked as she was surprised to see me.

"I am... but I don't exactly have a dress." I mumbled a bit shameful.

"Oh yeah Usagi was telling us that you wete going to the party." Motoki said as Rei stood up.

"Well there's still time, let's go buy you one." She said as Ami did the same.

"But I-"

"Yay! Dress shopping!" Usa-chii said as she dragged me out of the building and Ami and Rei soon followed.

We went to a few shops, but I was too small to fit in any of them, I said I would get ones for little kids but they continue to look around.

I sighed as Ami passed me an ice cream. We've been out for an hour and found nothing.

"I'm sorry, let's just head home." I said while sitting down with Luna in my lap.

"One more shop, please?" Usa-chii pleaded as I sigh. I didn't want to waste their time.

I nodded and stood up. "Alright." I licked my ice cream and we walked again. We went inside a store and looked th dresses once more.

"Hey what about this one?" Usa-chii held a pink dress that was short and at the hem it had ruffles, and near the belt it had darker shade of pink.. I shook my head.

"Hey what about this one?" Rei held a dress that looked my size and was black at the top with long sleeves that would go off my shoulder with a red rose on right side, then below the waist was white and flowy, like a princess would wear.

I like it, and I think it would match with onii-chans. I nodded as I gave her my ice cream and she passed the dress. I went to the fitting room.

It fit me perfectly, I smiled and walked out the fitting room to show the others. They approve of it and I got changed out of it and we went to pay.

"Hmm, it's not showing up." The women at the counter said.

"Whaaaaa? Oh Friendina, I'm sorry!" Usa-chii said frowning as she hugged me.

I frowned slightly as I looked at her and tried to smile. "Don't worry, it's just a dress." I said as the women bagged the dress and handed it to us.

"Shhh, it's a gift. It's not everyday we have a princess here." She said with a smile. Princess?

I thanked her and we headed out. We said our good byes and we headed home.


"You like the dress?" I made it home and got dressed into the dress I got. I then put a ribbon in my hair.

Onii-chan smiled and nodded, "You look like a princess." He said as he patted my head. He dressed up like his Tuxedo Mask form with mask and everything.

He then gave me a mask, a black version of what he was wearing, also like the one I wore as a sailor scout.

"It's a masquerade party, so wear this." He said as I nodded and we headed out.


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