Chapter 1

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“Don't forget me!" I said in my deep voice that echoed through the park. I landed on a light pole that was right next to a man in a tuxedo and wearing a mask. As I landed, I cross my arms looking at the demon that stand before us through my mask like the man.

“Who are you?!" The demon like creature asked dropping a girl in a sailor uniform who had long blonde hair that were in buns.

“I am Sailor Star-" Okay let's stop there. I think we need to rewind a bit so we can understand this a little better.

In the morning same day

“Wow Tokyo is so beautiful!" I exclaimed looking at the scenery that surrounded me. The building were tall and the little shops were so cute, also the plants and tree were very healthy.

I smiled while walking down the streets then stopped and shook my head. 'I have to stop this and look for onii-tan. But I want to look around!'  I thought to myself. I stopped at a window and looked at my reflection.

My once beautiful light brown hair was now cut to my shoulders. My eyes were now a dark brown then my blue eyes. I was wearing a white tank top with a pink sweater over it, black jeans, and white flats. 'Wow I didn't expect to change this much.'  I thought to myself.

2 years ago I was trying to raise enough money to go on this trip. But since that day, I wasn't aging. I looked like 3rd grader still when I'm suppose to be older. I decided to cut my hair but when I did, my blue eyes turned to the brown color they are today. Even if it didn't look like it, I've changed since then. I shook my head and turned around. When I turned around I then fell to the concrete on my butt.

“Oh I'm sorry!" I heard a voice said. I looked up to see a girl with blue hair in a uniform. She held out her hand, “Here let me help," She said, I nodded and took her hand and pulled myself up. But when I touched her hand I felt like I was being shocked.

I saw an image of a girl who was a in a blue sailor uniform with blue hair smiling, the background was dark but there were a bunch a star. It was blurry but I could hear the girl saying, 'It's nice to finally meet you, Princess Friendina.'

Once I was up I quickly let go of her hand and leaned on the glass window. I put one of my hand on my forehead and the other behind me to support me. What was that? More importantly, who was that?

“Are you alright?" The girl asked leaning in a bit. I nodded.

“Yes..." I trailed off, I didn't know her name.

“I'm Mizuno Ami," She said. I stopped leaning and stood up straight and shook my head and forced a smile.

“I'm...," I looked at the paper a boy gave me, “Chiba Friendina!" I said in a happy tone. I don't know what my real name is, I just read what was off the paper.

“Well it's nice to meet you, Friendina." Ami said with a smile.

“I told you these are buns!" I heard a high pitched annoying voice. We both looked at the source. It was a blonde girl with buns but her hair looks like meatballs a bit. I laughed at the couple, I think they're a couple.

“What a funny couple." I started to giggle and cover my mouth a bit. They started yelling at me that they're not a couple. Okay I understand now, no need for yelling.

“I'm done with this," the man said, “See ya Ms. Bump-head!" He said kind of waving at us and walked away. The girl started yelling at him saying to stop calling her I guess. My Japanese isn't clear.

I shrugged at the scene and walked inside the arcade we were standing in front of. It was called 'Crown Game Center'. Why, who knows. I was kind of drawn into here you can say. I looked around and saw a game titled 'Sailor V: Champion of Justice', 'It looks like it'll be a fun game.'  I thought to myself and walked over to the game. I sat down and took out some yens. but the only problem is.... I don't have any.

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