Chapter 4

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After a not so long drive he made it to my middle school. I really don't know why I'm in middle school...

I got out and waved at onii-chan. "Thank you!" I said as he nodded and drove off.

I turned around to see the school. I sweatdropped. Everyone is soooo much taller then me.

I deeply sighed as I walked into my new school. The needing for me to skip grades was just stupid. I probably not going to understand this middle school stuff. Maybe I could ask onii-chan when I get home, but would I be ready for all the test that would be ahead? I shook my head. Best not to think so far ahead so soon, as much as I would love to stay I can't. Remember it's a temporary stay.

As I walked the halls, I noticed I was getting a few stares. Its not my fault that I have to go when I'm only, what 9 at least? I looked at some of the students, well I am pretty short.

"Hey! Little girl!" I turned around and saw a girl with curly hair in a ponytail, with a different school uniform on.

"Uh... yes?" I said. Well I am younger so I would guess it be me, right? I looked beind me to make sure, doesn't seem like there's anyone else.

"Are you lost or something? You don't look like a middle schooler." She said holding her hand around my height next to her. Well that was a little offensive.... but I see her point.

I shook my head, "No, I'm a middle schooler." I said with a faint smile.

"Hmmm, you sure? Did you skip grades?" She asked.

"You can say that." I mumbled. I guess I am, but not for how intelligent I was just because it was needed. But it sure makes me feel stupid. I stared at her uniform. "Hey, what about you? Aren't you lost?" I asked pointing at her clothes.

"Oh no, I go here. It's just that the uniform they gave me was too small, so I'm sticking with my old one." She explained laughing nervously. She then put her hand out. "I'm Kino Makoto." She said.

I stared at her hand. 'Should I? I'm scared of fainting again.' I frowned. I looked at her as she tilted her head, I bet confused, then she chuckled.

"Here, you give me your hand and we shake." She said taking my hand and shaking it. She gave me a closed eye grinned. I laughed awkwardly as I nodded. 'Didn't faint.'

"Yeah, sorry. I'm Chiba Friendina!" I said cheerfully. I looked at her and shook my head and started to rub my eyes. 'Great, here we go.'

"Yo, something wrong?" She asked sounding worried as I began to get dizzy. I nodded slightly then I started to feel as if I was falling backwards.

"You alright?" A girl asked me. I looked up and saw that voice came from the girl who had caught me. She had golden locks and big blue eyes, she reminds me like a glass doll. She was also wearing this school's uniform, but what had caught my eyes was her pendant. I didn't get a good look at it but all I can say it was golden.

"Huh? Yeah...." I said standing straight and looked at Makoto. I blinked. She was wearing one of the sailor girls uniform with the little head band thing. I then begin to rub my eyes. "Jupiter?" The word had slipped through and I immediately covered my mouth.

"Huh?" Makaoto asked confused.

The girl chuckled. "I'll take her to the infirmary. We'll be right back." She said has she grabbed my arm and begin to drag me.

I looked at her like crazy. Do I know this chick? I stopped and looked at her. "W-who are you?" I asked.

"Oh sorry, I'm Daisy. You may not know me but that's alright." Daisy said. Wait, what? Another wacko? "Oh yeah, check your pendant alright?" She said pointing at my gold star pendant. I wrapped my hands around it protectively. "Well I best be going, see you around Friendina." She said and ran off.

I just stood there not knowing if I should be frightened by her. Well to be honest I have met strange people so this wouldn't have been the first.

I looked at my pendant, for some reason the clock was going forward faster and the little picture inside that was half black and blue with the sun and mood on either side. It was completely on the sun with black sky.


But just earlier the sun was in the blue sky. I eyed it and started to run to bathroom.

Once I had made it I locked myself in a stall. I sat down on the toilet and took a deep breath. I slowly removed my hand from pendant. Everything turned black.


'But its not right little sis! You can't stay lock in a room forever!' A girl with pure white hair with pitch black eyes whined to a girl who was in a shadowy part of the bed room. The girl was wearing a black grown.

'I can. I don't want no one to be hurt because of me.' A girl said who sat on the floor in the shadows. Her hair was a light brown but it looked black. Her eyes were pure white but looked grey. Her grown was also white.

'How! You can't hurt anyone!' The girl said as she put her hands on the shadows, it seems likes it was force field.

'No Seriena.... I have to stay.' The girl sitting down said looking up at the girl.

'No! Little sis! Don't you wanna walk around and talk, sing, play with all our brothers and sisters?' Seriena said as she fell to her knees and stared at the girl who we don't know the name of.

The nameless girl looked down. Of course she would, after being here as far as her memory goes. She would love to see the shining warm sun and feeling it rays hit her pale skin, or even the beautiful moon illuminating the garden. That was her thoughts of the outside world.

'I bet you do.' Seriena said looking at the girl as a smile slowly appears. 'Let's switch!'

The girl's eyes widened as she backed away. 'That's forbidden! We can't!' She said holding her hands to her chest frightened.

Seriena pouted. 'Please! I want you to see everyone! And to meet my fiance! He's the greatest.' She said happily.

The girl frowned. 'Yeah.... I heard.' She said sadly looking at the cheerful girl.

'Well come on! You know the words!'

Everything had turned black

"Now Chiba-san, would you answer some questions?" I opened my eyes and looked at the source of the voice. It was a teacher? I look ahead to see I was in front of a class.

"Uuuuuh...." I said confused. Wasn't I in the rest room just a second ago. I don't remember coming into this class room. Did I sleep walk? Must of.

"Chiba-san?" The teacher said as I jumped slightly.

"Ah... eh... no thank you. I apologize." I said bowing. I'm no good with big crowds.

"That is fine, please chose a seat." I nodded at the teacher and walked towards the back. I saw one next to Usagi, well behind her, so I decided to sit there. She waved at me and I did as well and sat back down.


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