4 | The Demon Queen

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September 19
8:24 p.m.

I woke up to see a dim light above me, feeling my body on a bed and my head resting on a cold pillow. I tried to sit up but I felt dizzy, my body felt cold and numb.

"Hey, hey.. take it easy."

I looked over to my side, seeing a guy there. He had blonde hair with pink on the ends and blue eyes, a scar over his nose. He had black horns though, and his eyes were black.. He looked like Seth... My vision cleared up and it looked exactly like Seth, just a different scar and demon like features.

"You aren't Seth..." (M)


"Garren? Is she awake yet?"

"Uh- yeah, she's awake."

Garren huh.. he looks just like Seth but it's for sure not Seth. Wait.. is this Seth's older brother? Seth wasn't sure if his older brother was alive so there's a chance, plus by his reaction when I said he wasn't Seth he seemed surprised.

As I was in my thoughts, a tall male walked in. Greysin. He matched the description Clementine gave me... the earring, beauty mark, hair, horns, eyes... he is even cuter in person. I need to focus not get enchanted by this dude. He's the reason I'm here.

"How are you feeling? Headache, anything feel sore or weird?" (GR)

"I just feel cold and a little drowsy." (M)

"Hey Garren, can you grab her blanket? I need to ask her some questions." (GR)

"Yeah, I'll be back." (GA)

"...Your name is Maxine correct?" (GR)

"...you aren't the same guy Clem described. She said you were nice and sweetheart... then you made an explosion and took me away from my friends..." (M)

"I'll take that as a yes. Look, I didn't want to take you. I'll be nice if you drop the tough guy act and work with me okay? The better you act the higher chance you have to making it out of here alive." (GR)

"...Clementine misses you." (M)

"...You aren't going to make this easy are you." (GR)

"I'm just saying what I know. She's been worried about you. She even cried over you a few nights ago." (M)

"...I'm sorry I worried her. Now-" (GR)

"I'm back with the blanket." (GA)

Greysin took the blanket from Garren and laid it over me. It was warm and I instantly felt better not freezing to death in this damn room. When I eased into the warmth, Garren moved my bangs up and rested his fingers on the scar of my forehead.

"The fever has gone down. She's been healing really well." (GA)

"Good. You don't have a headache or nausea? You can still see?" (GR)

"I feel fine... I can see really good actually. I don't think I have my glasses on either." (M)

"Good. Did anyone tell you about demons and gods and all of that stuff." (GR)

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