5 | Monsters Inside

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September 20th
11:05 p.m.

It's been rough since Minerva has taken me away from Alex. I've been in a lot of pain, my head and face hurting won't with my back and mouth. The changes are relentless and painful to the point I start to cry.

On the other hand though, Greysin and Garren are by my side a lot. Garren helps the pain and Greysin stays by my side to keep me company. Today however, I woke up early to hear Greysin getting scolded in the hallway. I heard him arguing back, only to hear a slap and a thud.

'Don't you dare raise your voice at me Greysin.'

'Or what. The burns and torture don't hurt anymore.'

'I'll make you a puppeteer to our new friend. Torture her and break her, make her fall apart. I'm sure you don't want that, do you Greysin.'

'...fucking bitch-'

Then the hallway went quiet. My door opened and Greysin walked in, bandaged up arms and all black eyes... yet there were white glowing hearts in them. He had black tears in his eyes... a faint red string on his fingers.. leading out the door.

Minerva. I was right, she does control them. This.. this is different though. His eyes should be all black, so where do the white hearts come from?

He approached my bed, his hand cupping my face as he looked at me, his eyes looked empty as I looked into the darkness of them. He was close to my face, a small smirk on his lips a little parted. As he leaned in, Garren came in and grabbed him, pulling him away from me.

"Garren?" (M)

"Max! Are you okay?" (GA)

"I'm fine. What's going on with Greysin?" (M)

"It's his ability being forcefully activated by Minerva. I'll explain it later once he snaps out of it." (GA)

I watched as Garren dragged Greysin away from the bed, then sitting him down in a chair before placing a hand on his forehead. Greysin's body went limp as soon as Garren touched his face, almost like he fell unconscious.

"W-what happened to him?" (M)

"I'm using my healing ability to try and draw Minerva out since it can burn demons due to the light. Me pressing my hand over his eyes and using it will burn her and force her out of his mind...

Just like that." (GA)

Garren leaned Greysin back in the chair, his head falling backwards a little bit before holding it up and shining a light into his eyes, seeing them go back to normal but the process was slow. He sighed and laid a pillow behind Greysin's head so he could sit comfortably in the chair.

"...So, what's his ability?" (M)

"He has a lot of abilities... the one he was born with is called 'Puppeteer.' Basically, his ability allows him to control others by doing something romantic like a kiss on the cheek or hand. His ability used to have a time limit, but now with the rigorous training Minerva has put him through, his ability now will only go away if he turns it off. If Minerva forces him to use it, then blinding the spirit inside of him will burn the controller, which won't hurt Greysin." (GA)

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