IV ; i don't fear you anymore.

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« clifford »

"So this is the west wing and most of your classes are here because you're a senior." Ashton explained looking down at my schedule and to examine the rows if lockers.

"You're a senior too, do we have any classes together?"

He stopped in front of a locker for a moment and looked down at the paper before turning the combination and swinging it open, "first of all this is your locker, and we have half our classes together."

I nodded looking at my feet suddenly feeling bile rise in my throat, I'd only have him there for me for half of the day. What happens of they remember me and decide to pick on me, maybe they'll do what they did in year six, oh god no stop thinking. "Mikey if you hold the locker up any harder I think you'll bend it," Ashton laughed trying to help calm me down.

"Oh, um yeah, sorry. So lets go to homeroom yeah?"

We walked into a half full room seeing everybody talking to one another excitedly since they'd had a week off school and felt my heart sink -- if Ashton leaves my side I'm screwed. There were two seats in the back and I hurried to pull Ashton with me so I'd have him.


I looked up to a boy towering over us, he was about as tall as me with tanned skin and raven hair and if I hadn't heard his accent or noticed that his eyes were rather wide when he saw me I might've thought he was asian -- he's totally kiwi.

An attractive kiwi.


Straight, you're straight, think straight.

No guy is hot, only girls are.

You changed remember.

"Calum!" Ashton squealed jumping out of his seat to hug the boy to his chest, it was adorable as fuck but it was also making me nervous just hoping he wouldn't acknowledge my existence.

I plucked a bracelet and flicked wrist with the beads hoping it would distract me. "Hi you must be new, I'm Calum but you could call m-"

"Don't do it." Ashton warned.


"Calum fucking Hood."

"Okay, so who are you then?" He asked still glaring at Ashton playfully, they're cute together.

"I'm Michael." I smiled pulling him down into a hug so I could whisper in his ear. "Are you guys a thing?"

He pulled back with tinted cheeks and shook his head making me smirk, he totally has a thing for Ashton but I dint think he sees that Ashton feels the exact way towards him. Oblivious fuckers.

"We have to evaluate you to see if you can be in our group." I cocked my head to the side but nodded slowly. "What bands do you like?"

"Um, I like blink-182, I also like nirvana, all time low, good charlotte, panic at the disco, pierce the veil, black veil brides, fall out boy, and well a lot more." I blushed realizing that's the most I've said in a long time.

"Dude you're totally in! Ash how do you do it?" Calum gaped.

"Do what?"

"Find hot ones with good music taste, I mean look at yourself." He blushed looking down at his feet as Ashton turned cheery red.

He's lying yanno, you're not hot.

"Alright class let's calm down and take roll." He started naming off names of people as I sat there silently hoping he wouldn't mention me, I don't think I could honestly handle it.

Everybody muttered their attendance as I waited to hear my name though it never came. "And today we have a new student, everybody welcome Michael." He cheered pointing to where I sat in the back with Ashton and Calum.

Suddenly everybody had their eyes on me and I was growing more and more self conscious, Ashton must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it giving me a reassuring smile which I returned.

"It appears you have the same schedule as," he paused looking at his laptop for a moment, "Mr. Hemmings, so just follow him today and he'll guide you."

"Nope." Ashton said shaking his head, "I'll walk you even if I'm late."

He pointed a glare at a boy who was looking at us, let me tell you -- this boy is fucking attractive. His blonde hair was pressed down by a beanie and he has a small black hoop on his lip. He didn't see Ashton's glare, because he was too busy looking at me.

Please tell me that's not my Lukey.

If that's my Lukey I'll die.

A bell rang making me flinch slightly at the sudden noise before I hopped up from my seat and began to walk closely to Ashton when somebody grabbed my arm.

"Let's go faggot." Luke smirked.

I didn't know how to react, it's been so long since somebody had directly called me that and I was horrified -- I didn't want to go back to those days where I let others push me that low.

So I punched him.

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