Chapter 3: Pursuing the Princess

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   Abigail fell through the portal, and Karina couldn't stop herself in time.

   The foiled Nether Angel slammed into the ground and sent a cloud of soulsand into the air. She sat back up and punched the ground, growling in anger.

   Caitlyn looked down at Karina, disappointed, but not angry. She shut her eyes for a moment, breathing in deeply. Seconds later, two black horns appeared on her head. She reopened her eyes, revealing that her scleras had turned black too.

   "Oh my god... she's a shadow demon," Dorian stated. "I didn't think any of them survived that civil war in the Shadow Realm."

   "Head back to the Fortress," Caitlyn spoke in an ethereal, demonic voice. "I'll go after the princess. Don't follow me!"

   The rest of the assassins nodded and began walking back to their fortress. Once they were far enough away, Caitlyn warped into the Overworld, landing near a destroyed portal. She noticed footprints in the grass and started following them, running through the birch forest.


   Aro and Abigail had been running for what felt like ages. The former was able to maintain his stamina, but Abigail had begun to slow down.

   "Come on, Abigail, we're almost there, don't give out yet!"

   Finally, they reached a beaten path. Unfortunately for them, so had Caitlyn. Aro spotted her standing beneath a large oak tree, machete drawn, staring him down with her deep black eyes. He signaled for Abigail to get behind him, drawing his pistol and looking Caitlyn dead in the eye. Before he could raise the gun to fire, the shadow demon teleported towards him and kicked it out of his hand. To compensate for the loss of his pistol, Aro drew his sword, blocking a strike from Caitlyn.

   "I'm not letting you bastards take her back to that hellhole!" Aro barked at Caitlyn while blocking another strike.

   "Then this will be your undoing, human!" Caitlyn kicked him back.

   The moment he stood back up, she seemingly vanished into the shadows. She reemerged behind him and launched a black-violet ball of magic towards him, exploding on impact and launching him into a tree. Then she formed what appeared to be a spear made of raw shadows and prepared to throw it at Aro. But before she could throw it, she was hit by a fireball, knocking her over and charring her armor. Both she and Aro looked to where it originated.

   Abigail stood there, with fire magic channeling through her hands.

   "You want the Nether Star so badly? Come and get it then!"

   Caitlyn growled before launching herself towards Abigail, only to get punched in the face and partially burned.

   Aro saw his opportunity and took it, grabbing his pistol and firing a few shots into the exposed part of Caitlyn's armor on her back. She cried out in pain, letting Abigail dash to Aro. At the same time, a small orange and black dropship landed behind the latter two.

   Abigail couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed, succumbing to her injuries. Aro immediately picked her up and ran to the dropship, jumping on board. He hit the ship's side, and it began ascending, then flew away once it got to a certain altitude, going into the badlands.

   Caitlyn watched as it departed, then backed into the shadows and disappeared, her black eyes being the last things to vanish.

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