Chapter 4: Let Go

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   It had been two weeks since Abigail escaped the Nether. Dorian and Tiranius blamed Karina for not being quick enough to eliminate her. As a result, Valentino showed some hostility towards them. They had a brief quarrel, which Caitlyn broke up quickly.

   As their leader and the one who had chased Abigail into the Overworld and ultimately failed at killing her, she had decided to take all the blame for the failed assassination. Naeus successfully united the Nether nonetheless. Now that he had the realm under his control, he looked on towards a much greater goal: to conquer the End and Overworld, effectively making him the supreme leader of the three main realms.

   During the days that had followed the Nether's reunification, he amassed an impressive fighting force, with blacksmiths pumping out chest plate after chest plate, sword after sword. Of course, he also became physically powerful, having absorbed several different artifacts across the Nether to compensate for the Nether Star. Now, he had almost a thousand soldiers under his command, with numbers still rising.

   Caitlyn began to get suspicious and decided to confront Naeus, making her way to the throne room.

   "Caitlyn! Come in, come in." He gestured for her to come into the room, sitting on the throne. "Now then, what brings you here?"

   "I couldn't help but notice the army has been getting larger at an alarming rate. May I inquire as to what you are planning?" Caitlyn asked.

   "Ah, yes," Naeus chuckled. "I suppose it's time that I've told you my true intentions." He paused for a few seconds. "I'm making preparations to invade the End and Overworld-."

   "What?!" Caitlyn interrupted, stumbling back. She breathed heavily and even shook a little.

   "I had a feeling you would react this way." Naeus looked down and sighed. "I know you once saw the Ender Watchers as your family, but that was years ago. You must let go and move on if you are to remain one of my generals."

   About seven years ago, Caitlyn had been an advisor to Ceris, the End Matriarch. She would've become an Ender Watcher if she hadn't decided to depart for the Nether to start what she thought would be a new life full of opportunity. Never had she come to truly value her time in the End until she was gone, but never came back out of fear of being rejected by the Watchers.

   "Sometimes, I wonder if leaving the End behind was a mistake. Am I better off being in the Horde? Or am I  just a pawn in this new battle for the Three Realms?" Caitlyn sounded aggressive.

   "As Ceris' advisor, you were a weakling! Here in the Nether, you're a fierce warrior! Now, I expect you to help lead the charge into the End. The invasion commences tomorrow! And if I see you holding back, I'll see you demoted to the rank of a mere footsoldier! Understood?"

   "Y-yes, your majesty."

   Caitlyn went back to her living quarters and, once inside, let out an enraged scream and punched her wall, leaving a crack and bloodying her knuckles. She threw herself onto her bed and started crying, grabbing an unframed picture from inside her pillowcase.

   It was an old photograph of her and Ceris together, looking down at the city of Dragonspire in all its glory from atop one of the towers. She stuffed it back into her pillowcase, took off her armor, and fell asleep, tears still streaming from her eyes.

* * *

   Caitlyn woke up to knocking on her door. She got up, put her sword on her back, and reluctantly walked to the door. She opened it, and there stood Karina, her daggers in hand.

   "Naeus is rallying the troops to the Grand Portal. You should probably head over there soon." Her voice was soft and quiet, as opposed to the harsh, demonic voice she had when she dueled Abigail.

   Caitlyn rubbed her eyes and put her armor on.

   "Let's go then." She spoke with an annoyed tone.

   "Everything alright?" Karina asked.

   "Yes, Karina, I'm fine! Just go to the damn portal!"

   And with that, they departed, walking to the Grand Portal. Upon arriving, Caitlyn stood alongside Infernius, Kralos, and Hogsworth, Naeus' other three generals. She shut her eyes, a blackish-purple aura radiating around her as she shifted to her demonic form.

   A few soldiers were surprised to see Caitlyn's "new" appearance and began whispering to each other. Their gossip was cut short by the thundering roar of the portal's destination changing from the Overworld to the End.

   Naeus turned around to face the mighty army that stood before the portal.

   "Children of the Horde! Today marks the beginning of a golden age for the Nether! Today, we shall conquer the End and claim it as our own! CHARGE!"

   He pointed his spear to the portal, the army running through soon after. Caitlyn took a deep breath, got a running start, and leaped through.

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