Chapter 2: The Hunted

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   Unaware that they are being hunted, Denizen and Abigail ran through the soulsand valley, getting tired quickly from the sand shifting beneath their feet. Seeing that Abigail was unarmed, Denizen gave her a sword forged by Netherite, one of the most powerful materials ever discovered. She had only used it to slay a few zombified hoglins near the warped forest, and later a group of wither skeletons sent after her by Commander Kralos.

   The trek had taken its toll on Abigail, as she had vomited a considerable amount of blood numerous times throughout the journey. Starting to feel lightheaded, she began to apply pressure to the wound going from her chest to her neck. Tears began to stream down her face as she remembered how she got the wound.

   "I killed him," she thought to herself, "I killed Rain. He's dead and it's my fault."

   Up on a nearby mound of soulsoil, Caitlyn stalked the two rogue Netherkin, machete in her hand.

   Abigail suddenly got an uneasy feeling. "I think we're being watched."

   "Oh really? And what makes you say that," Denizen asked.

   Abigail pointed at something ahead that made his eyes go wide. Caitlyn, Tiranius, and Dorian, all of which were running towards them.

   Denizen suddenly heard footsteps from behind. When he turned around, he saw Valentino and Karina approaching them quickly.

   "They're coming from front and back, what do we do?"

   Abigail took a deep breath.

   "We fight," she said as her eyes flickered white.

   Almost instantly, she had locked blades with Caitlyn, but due to having a smaller weapon, she couldn't stay in the lock for very long. She stumbled backwards, already exhausted. Caitlyn took this opportunity to slash her in the leg.

   "You're merely just an obstacle preventing me from achieving my goal," Caitlyn said before roundhouse kicking Abigail towards Tiranius. He picked her up and looked her in the eyes, making her tremble with fear.

   "Long time no see, princess," he said before throwing her into the face of the mound. Several bones cracked from the impact.

   Shocked by what had just happened, Abigail rolled out of the way just in time to avoid getting slashed by Dorian's halberds.

   Meanwhile, Denizen had engaged in melee combat with Valentino, who wielded a katana and a revolver imbued with fire magic. So far Denizen had the upper hand, blocking all of Valentino's attacks.

   Karina become more and more concerned as she watched Valentino struggle to fight back.

   "I guess you aren't a lunatic after all," Valentino managed out before blocking one of Denizen's attacks.

   "How nice of you to say that." In a matter of seconds, Denizen had managed to drive Valentino's own weapon into his thigh. He collapsed to the ground, surprised and horrified at the same time.

   Denizen was about to make his way over to Abigail when he felt the cold steel blades of Karina's daggers go into his back. He tried to fight back, only to get stabbed in the chest and kicked into a wall. Abigail ran over to him and checked his pulse: nothing.

   She began to cry, mourning the death of the one member of the horde who still stood by her even after becoming an enemy of General Naeus. Her sadness began to boil into sheer rage. She shot a burning glare at Karina, pure hatred in her eyes.

   Without warning, she grabbed one of Denizen's claw daggers and slashed Karina across the face with it before kicking her a fair distance. Once she stopped skidding across the barren landscape, Karina raised her head.

   Her blindfold was gone and she now had a small scar on her cheek. She opened her eyes, revealing them to be bright red with black pupils.

   "You will falter just like he did, Princess," she shouted at Abigail with a demonic, but mocking, voice. Suddenly, two red and black wings appeared on her back. Her true identity had been revealed to Abigail.

   She was a Nether Angel, a creature that was once only thought to be a myth. The two ran to each other and their blades clashed.

   Karina was unlike any opponent Abigail had ever fought before. She was faster, swifter, and possibly even a little stronger. Abigail struggled to even slightly graze her. Soon she began to falter, giving Karina the opportunity she was looking for. She jabbed one of her daggers into Abigail's chest, grabbed her, took off, then threw her to the ground.

   Abigail was barely able to stand now as Karina slowly walked toward her. She took one look at Valentino, who nodded his head, giving her permission to go in for the kill. Karina darted at Abigail with shocking speed.

   But before the Nether Princess could meet her fate, a portal opened, and Abigail was gone in an instant. She found herself in some kind of forest. Turning around, she was greeted by a boy wearing combat gear. He had blue eyes and brown hair.

   "Aro?!" She looked at the boy in shock. "What are you doing here, you're supposed to be dead!"

   "All will be explained later. But right now, I need to get you far away from here. Naeus' assassins will be here any second now."

   He took out a roll of gauze and wrapped a bandage around Abigail's chest, stopping her blood loss for the time being. "Do you have enough strength left to run?"

   "B-barely." She coughed a little. Despite her injuries, she was able to get back on her feet.

   The moment she stood up, Aro took her hand, and the two darted through the forest.

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