no... he cant be...

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Thanks to BacerEberly  for the idea

3rd person pov:

*time skip 2 weeks*

Quackity wakes up before His fiancé's and sprints to the bathroom. He leans over the toilet and throws up

After quackity is done throwing up he wipes his mouth and flushes the toilet. He walk back to the bedroom to see Sapnap and Karl awake sitting up in the bed. "Are you alright puppy" ( don't ask I like that nickname :] ) quackity nods his head and crawls into sapnaps lap, burring his face into the crook of sapnaps neck. "I'm gonna call the doctor" Karl says as he stands up off the bed, Sapnap nods his head slightly.

*time skip to the end of the  doctors appointment *

"He's pregnant" the nurse says, we all look at each other in disbelief "okay thanks" "mhm"

They leave the appointment as head home.

I don't know what this chapter is-

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