Imagine 2 The train ( re-written )

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it was cold, on the underground. the hard, unforgiving seats would annoy you, you kept trying to shuffle to find a comfier spot but something was restraining you. Ttick, was that noise in your head? it was quiet, sounded harmless but every time, you felt your hand clench. you were scared, you frantically looked around. Tick, the harsh bright light of the train made everything feel weird, the way it reflected off the bright yellow poles that were dotted along the sides of the carriages.

why is there no one here?


You felt alone and confused, the only comforting sound was the clatter of the tracks. you watched as a flash of light swept past the carriage. you swayed, there was a thump on the side of the train, a smash of glass and shouting. Tick.

you looked up at the light that was fixed into the ceiling, it hurt your head as you stared at it. Tick, beginning to feel lightheaded you forced your body to slow down, you wanted to go home. Your head became heavy as your eyes sealed shut.

a tight grip on your arms shaking you, everything was the same. Why aren't you home?

"Hello?" a voice spoke out. you watched as he took out a small torch from his wax coat pocket

"My name's John. I'm a Doctor, Are you okay?" he flashed the torch over your eyes, it burnt. you nodded slightly, trying to talk you opened your mouth but nothing came out,

 "Sherlock, I'm going to need you to hurry up" his voice sounded agitated, you followed his gaze to see a tall, lanky man fumbling around with wires, Sherlock nodded his head and seemed to speed up sorting out the wires, they were attached to something, you followed the red and blue wires. praying they weren't going where you thought they were.

you saw them go up your sleeve, you tried to lift your hand up to open your coat, a thick black rope had bound your hands to the edge of your chair, you try to lift your feet up. you're stuck


you panicked, your head started spinning. your throat seemed to tie in knots, your whole body was shutting down. you looked back up to John who was trying to keep you steady. you could see his mouth moving but you couldn't hear it over a high pitched screech that was digging into your ear. you felt your head throw back, darkness crept over you. silencing you.

you were awoken by a loud crash. you shot up, a white duvet covered you. it was warm and the cream walls of the surrounding room seemed to echo a sense of comfort. There was a sharp pain in your side, but you decided to ignore it. wrapping the duvet around you, you slid off the bed and went to open the door. the cold wooden floor screeched as you walked along the corridor. your nose was met by a strong smell of chemicals, mixed with coffee. an odd smell to say the least. you came into what looked like a kitchen but was covered in scientific equipment, the kitchen was dark but a greenish frosted glass door allowed streaks of morning light to fill the room, as you walked forward you walked on a particularly noisy floorboard which caused three heads to peer around the frosted glass doors,

"she's awake" one of them said

"fantastic observation" teased another before an oldish lady opened the door fully and held her hand out, you took it and smiled, her voice was soft and kind

"Are you alright my dear?" she said waiting for you to walk forward before putting her hand on your shoulder, you nodded and walked out into the lounge. the curtains were still drawn but shards of warm, yellow sunlight peeked through, dancing upon the red-accented room.

as you walked out you recognized them, Sherlock and John. You ran up to them, the heavy duvet still wrapped around your body, you grabbed both of their hands, shaking them frantically. John was clearly a very happy man and shook it back with a smile slapped onto his face, whereas Sherlock took your hand, and shook it with a lot more composure. His hands were large and he obviously stayed inside more due to how pale it was, you looked up at him and he was looking right into your eyes, a small smile was showing from underneath his emotionless mask he seemed to put on, his green eyes seemed to pierce through you.

John and Sherlock sat with you for a while. You had fish and chips for tea and talked for what seemed like hours, you were so caught up in what you were doing you didn't notice the sun sink behind the grey skyline of London, nor the artificial yellow light seeping through the window as night fell on the street. You decided to get some sleep and Sherlock took you back to his room to lend you some pyjamas.

The room is quiet, the only noise is the muffled noise of cars passing by and Sherlock's shoes on the hardwood floor. You watch as he moves, he dresses smartly. His shirt is white and almost skin tight. You shake your head, he won't think the same so you try and distract yourself
"You do know you were strapped ontop of a bomb right?" Sherlock asked as he walked to the corner of the room to turn the lamp on, his shadow was cast against the wall and his figure reminded you of a dancer, slender but also muscular, he held himself with confidence and was very well composed.
"I haven't had much time to think about it..." you sat on the side of the bed, you bent down to roll up the pyjama bottoms as his legs were almost miles longer than yours.
"I think you should." He said, his tone not changing, "it's not good to keep things inside"
maybe not today, you thought as you walked up and over to the ensuite, Sherlock stayed where he was. You could feel his gaze on you as you washed your face.
"Today's been good, I'll think about it tomorrow" you answer him after you place the towel back on the rack.
"Y/n" Sherlock stops you as you walk past, his hand falls onto your shoulder.
"Yes?" You turn to look at him, his hair is a dark black, you trace the unruly curls with your eyes before your gaze falls onto his lips.

"Don't slap me for this," his deep voice resonates with you, you watch as he steps closer, and pulls your head up gently to meet his, the heat of his breath hovers over your lips like he is waiting for something. Not even five seconds after, he presses his  lips onto yours, a kiss so soft and kind yet so powerful, you lift yourself on your tip toes. Both of his hands creep along your skin only to land firmly behind your ears. His movements were so delicately made. He slowly moved his bottom lip over my top, you could feel his body relax, you feel a smile stretch across his face as he kisses you again, with the same grace and softness as before. When his lips had left yours completely You open your eyes to be met with his. The cool colour of blue seeps into his eyes as the light hits them. You were fascinated with the way and timing they changed color. Your eyes were locked as a chuckle of disbelief floated from his mouth.

"That was new"

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