eff off mate - locked part 3

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"for fucks sake not you" 

 You felt yourself become more uptight and a little-pissed off as you watched him stand in the corner of the room in his dumb black coat and little blue scarf, what gave him the right to be such a complete and utter twat? he was posh and clever, basically everyone you hated at private school. you had zoned out for a while and quickly clocked back into the room, you scanned around, the curtains weren't drawn and you could see everyone in the office outside, you looked back to the board at the front. they were discussing shifts and patrols, all of which were in the middle of the day, you piped up and asked, putting your hand up in the air, DI Lestrade's eyes darted to you, "Sergant y/l/n?" 

"Sorry to interrupt Sir but why are all the patrols in the day? surely we need to spread our workload into the night?" Lestrade opened his mouth to answer but Sherlock decided to open his fat mouth.

"23rd of may, 4 people drop dead in the middle of the day, the exact same time in the North, East, South, and West of London. In the middle of the day, Miss y/l/n. Which you would've known if you were paying attention rather than cursing at me." he spoke with a bitter snarl and began to walk through the rows and walk closer to you "which I would say is not a clever way to be spending police time, would you?" he said, getting quieter as he came face to face with you, 

You stood up coming eye to eye with him. "I don't know, sir, but I beg to ask why you care about police time when you aren't even a police officer yourself." he looked surprised at your courage but quickly reverted to a grin and swiveled Around on his heel and nodded at the DI who then ordered everyone to leave apart from you.

"Well done." he said, walking back to the front and pulling a chair up, sitting down on it the wrong way round."this whole case is a cover, you will be working with us" he said taking his gloves off and putting them in his pocket, he looked up at you seeing how frustrated you had gotten "you really are Rebecca's daughter"

"excuse me?" you said, aggression soaked your words.

"Your mother, the 'war hero' " he said, putting quotations around 'war hero'

"what my mother did was selfless and brave, how dare you speak like that," you said putting your hat on and walked to the door, before opening it you turned around, giving him a good ol' two fingered salute¹ while blowing a raspberry. 

"your mother is still alive y/n" Sherlock said just as you placed your hand on the door. you paused and turned around "so you decided to send my squad on a wild goose chase so that you could tell me something that you could have told me any time since you live above me? likely story mate." Sherlock stood up and grabbed you tightly by the wrist, pulling you to face him he looked down at you with a stern expression.

"If you tell your squad anything about it being fake you put yourself and your mother in danger" his voice was quiet yet still very serious, you flickered your eyes to the DI and back to Sherlock. they weren't joking. you shook your hand free and walked backward, standing to attention

"just tell me what to do." you dismissed yourself, walking out the door only to find your squad was watching through the window, the room was sound proof so all they saw was me shouting at Sherlock, dismissing myself and walking out with a stern expression. you were still very uptight and reverted back to how you were in the air force.

"what are all you staring at?" you raised your voice "get to work, we have just been given orders and you have been gawking at me through the window?" you paused, they all stared back at you "go!" they all seemed to scatter as if they were rats being scared out of a kitchen with a broom, you looked around. everyone in the office was staring at you, you straightened your stab vest² and walked out, a little embarrassed.

you walked down the stairs to meet your partner, one of the newest additions to the squad who is basically a recruit, but then again you were young also. as we walked out the main doors and onto the streets you apologized. 

"sorry about how aggressive I got, I'm not normally like that." 

"Oh, it's okay. it was cool to see you stand up to him like that" he replied, he sounded quiet but he was about 6 foot tall, you looked past it and asked for the pictures of the suspects, he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, you looked over it knowing well that none of these people were actually serial killers. you reluctantly played along

"Well, let's start around one of the shopping streets" you passed the paper back and walked out of Scotland yard.

when you finished your shift you make your way back to your locker, you get changed and grab your phone. a message read

 "come see me after work -SH"

 Bastard. you mutter to yourself as you leave the building, you call a cab and begin the drive home.

as you pull up you pay the cabbie and walk into the flat to hear shouting from upstairs, you hang your bag up on the pegs and walk up the stairs and knock on the door, the shouting stops and John opens the door and looks to the other side of the room "why don't we ask her ourselves?" 

"what are you on about?" you ask looking round the door to see Sherlock holding a sword "jesus christ" you look back at John who seems unfased by the sword and is just angry at him

"was i insenitive?" Sherlock asked jumping onto a black armchair

"when you told me my mum wasnt dead and that she wasnt a hero?" you step into the room "yes, just a tad" you say watching as sherlock walks over and gives John £10, still holding the sword John shakes his head as if to say ' i told you'.

you stand there confused for a while, before sherlock walks past you into what seems to be a kitchen but looks more like a mad scientists lab, picks up a mug and lifts it up to catch your attention.


¹ - A reversed peace sign (basically a British middle finger)

 ² - The black vest police officers wear

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