Chapter 28: Property Sisters - Hospital Style

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You know some days you feel
so good in your own skin
But it's okay if you wanna change
the body that you came in
'Cause you look greatest
when you feel like a damn queen
We're all just playing a game
in a way, tryna win at life
Most girls are smart
and strong and beautiful
Most girls work hard, go far
we are unstoppable

Hailee Steinfield -

Chelsea bustled about the room in full design mode to the amazement of all the nurses gathered around, awed by the magical transformation Skye's room had undergone.

Since Skye's arrival into the antepartum ward of the hospital last week, her friend had been planning and shopping down to the last detail so that she had everything needed to make the room as beautiful and comfy as humanly possible...

She had even gotten into a debate/argument with the hospital administrator, regarding permission to repaint the room the day after Skye was admitted.

"You don't understand the IMPORTANCE of a beautiful space!" Chelsea had emphatically stated, resting her hands on her hips. Skye KNEW that body language... It meant Chelsea was getting ready to do battle and take no prisoners..

"I'm sorry miss... we just CAN'T let you come in here and repaint the room!" the administrator had tried to reason with her. "Firstly there's the smell of fresh paint..."

"NOPE... argument invalid. The paint I use is odorless and safe for all wet or dry." Chelsea countered.

"There... there's just no precedence for it! Imagine if EVERY expecting mother wanted to repaint her room! We would be... well, it's just not possible!" the woman stammered.

"Listen, this wall color is simply DEPRESSING! Who even CHOSE it? Did your hospital even THINK about what affect color plays in a person's wellbeing? It's like you WANT people to stay sick for goodness sake! And, if the colors in these rooms weren't horrendous, no one would ask to repaint."

"Miss! That's... well, choosing designer colors for rooms at hospital just isn't necessary..."

Chelsea pointed toward Skye, who was curled up on the couch with her iPad. "Look at her! She is stuck in here for the next 7-8 weeks! She's ALREADY going to have premature babies... Do you WANT her stay here to be like a prison? Because I think this is the same industrial color that's used to paint them...."

"That's just NOT true.... I, I don't think.... But in any case, it's just not done!" the administrator had answered, looking around and assessing what Chelsea had just said.

"It IS... so, are you running a nice hospital setting where you are ADDING to your patient's well-being? OR are you instead a Prispital?" She demanded, crossing her arms. "Where you are punishing them with horribly depressing walls?"

"What?" the administrator stared at her in confusion. "I'm sorry... a... 'Prispital?' I'm not sure I..."

Skye interpreted without even looking up from the iPad screen. "Simple. Prison + Hospital = Prispital."

The older woman stared in horror, mouth agape. "We are NOT a prison!"

"Could fool me with the repulsive color choices you've made around here! Listen, what is SO bad about livening up the place? Making HAPPY color choices instead of vile, repugnant and depressing ones?" Tapping the wall with her manicured fingertip she continued.

"This is NOT a happy hue of grey. You could have picked a really PRETTY frost, feather, or warm pewter... or even a silver blue grey... BUT UGH...this right here is like... ugly sad concrete!"

The administrator's face fell as she took in the wall color and the fact that, even though she didn't want to admit it... this young blonde firecracker was indeed correct in her assessment of the ugliness of the color.

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