Chapter 33: DELIVERY PART 1 - A Hidden Pair of Aces

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"Hen?... Henrik? Where's Henrik?" Skye's confused and scared voice called out pulling his attention away from where he was following the forms of the security officers hauling Bobby roughly from the room.

"I'm here babe... I'm here..." Henrik responded reassuringly, pushing himself through the throng attending her and lacing his fingers through hers.

The doctor checked her vitals, dismissing the crash team and turning to Henrik.... her eyes filled with concern... "what the hell just happened?!"

Henrik growled through gritted teeth, "Bobby McKenzie just happened..."

"Well... care to tell me WHY was he in the wardrobe???"

Henrik looked at the blood pressure monitor as it registered Skye's vitals, then pinned the doctor with a look that suggested maybe this wasn't the most calming topic to be discussing in front of her patient....

Taking his cue she changed the topic.

"Skye your vitals are good, I think that whole unpleasantness was just a shock. How are you feeling now?"

Skye blushed, embarrassed... "fine, I just.... What the hell??" She looked at Henrik questioningly.

Henrik shook his head and smiled encouragingly... "don't even think about it babe.... we'll deal with it later. We have more important things to focus on at the moment."

"Too true!" Her doctor agreed realizing the topic needed to be dropped... it wasn't the time, right now the most important thing was delivering these precious babies safely.

"I have to go coordinate my surgical team for the cesarean and the NICU team for the girls.... just relax for now alright? Lucy, please help these two get ready... we have some little girls to meet!"

With that, the doctor made her way purposefully out of the room leaving the three to prep.

Forty-five minutes later.... after hasty phone calls were made to both their parents as well as Lucas and Chelsea, Henrik had changed into the scrubs he'd been given, and Skye was being wheeled out headed toward the OR.

"Henrik!!!" The bellowing voice of Skye's dad caused him to stop and turn.

Henrik turned to Lucy... a question in his eyes as he looked back and forth in uncertainty between the retreating wheelchair transporting Skye, and the approaching form of Hamish hurrying toward him.

Laying a comforting hand on his shoulder Lucy smiled... "it's okay, go fill him in... we've got to get her prepped anyway. I'll be back out to get you in a few minutes..." she reassured.

Nodding he turned and had only taken a few steps before the older man enveloped him in a massive hug.

"S'okay son..." the older man comforted. "We're here... mum is parkin' the car.... We love yeh son... we're here."

Henrik leaned into the older man's strong fatherly embrace, feeling calmed for a brief second before the mood was jarringly interrupted.

"OY!" An irritated voice called out from the other side of the corridor. "Ah sees how ah'm nae a part oh tae fam'ly reunion... wha's happenin wi' Skye an meh bairns?"

Startled, they turned toward the unsettlingly familiar voice...

Both men stared in surprise, shocked at the figure leaning cockily against the wall... free as a bird and loving their reaction to the fact. Arms casually crossed, Bobby sucked on his lip ring and fixed them with a withering death-glare.

Henrik's face flushed red with rage, his body tensing. "What the hell?!? Why aren't you in jail you sonofabitch??"

Big calming hands held him firmly in place, seeming to understand he needed an anchor...

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