Monika and Yuri pt.2

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After yesterdays weird encounter with the literature club, I have settled on it and decided to stick it through, not like I can do anything currently to change it.. I'm going to keep going there.. even though now I look like a 10-11 year old, I still think like I used to. The task of writing a poem was easy, but getting used to my "new body" was hard. Even my classmates gave me weird looks, but strangely enough they didn't question shit, its almost as if they expected it?? I have no freaking clue whats going on, but I seem to be the only one in the dark along with Sayori. She couldn't keep her hands to herself though today while walking to school with me in the morning... she kept squeezing me in all sorts of ways, and she couldn't get over my childish look, honestly I got so annoyed I smacked her... she pouted like usual but other than that not much happened in the day until it was time to go to the literature club after all my classes.

I swear I have no idea what to expect today

I thought walking down the now long corridors and up the longer than remembered stairs. Everything took a lot longer now cause I shrunk. With much effort I slid open the door to the literature club, everyone was there, and it was quieter than usual. I kinda shuffled in and walked to my seat and sat expectantly for todays plan. 

"Hi Sayori, what are we doing?"

"Ah you just missed Monika's talk! We are doing some silent reading now before we start sharing poems" she smiles

"Ah.. okay" you glance at the Yuri and Monika who were together yet again, they look like they are scheming something..

5 minutes pass 

"Alright everyone! Enough reading, lets start sharing poems.." Monika trails off and makes direct eye contact with me "Lets make sure all of us go with each other" she grins are me, as if almost beckoning me. I gulp, searching for Yuri who's with Natsuki in a duo, I sigh and slowly walk towards the expectant Monika. When I finally reach her and nervously take a seat she say "Oh wow~ How lucky am I to have you come to me first! What a goood kid you are~" she smirks. 

"Now, why don't we share our poems! You show me first hehe~" She eyes you as she shifts forward closer to you with her head cradled in her palms "or would you be interested in mine first, little y/n?"

You instinctively move away as if threatened "U-uh I'll.. I'll go first" you manage and quickly slide your poem across to her, She clicks her tongue in dissatisfaction and snatches your poem off of the table, you suppress a relieved sigh, perhaps she won't bully you today?

As if on cue, you were proven wrong. You suddenly feel a leg, HER LEG, slide against your own quickly snapping you back to reality, you shivered at the touch "M-Monika??" you stuttered

"I'm impressed by your poem! It's almost like you wrote it for me~" she hummed. She looked at you over the page and smiled "..did you write it for me?" She eyed you expectantly as you struggled for an answer... the unspeakable things she did to you under that table with her legs were rendering you useless against the double attack she was deploying on you. You barely managed to suppress a squeak as you nodded your flushed face. "Uh... M-Monika!!! Wh- why are you doing this?? No.. more of.. whhyy hereee??.. Please.. just let me re-read your poem..." 

She made a pleased sound and said "Oh sure, sure, here it is! Make sure to read it allll~ the way through! I'll reward you with some candy too" She smiled innocently as she trailed her fingers against your shivering thigh.

You read it and really, really tried your best with all the distractions and bullying you were resisting from Monika, what more, she stared at you intently with her emerald eyes, this playful and a somehow.. almost lascivious gaze directed at you. You couldn't put your finger on it, but all you really wanted was to move on otherwise this treatment would start to be unbearable. You squirmed in your seat giving Monika reactions that pleased her as you tried you absolute hardest to focus on the poem and understand even the slightest of its content. After a full 3 minutes of almost laser focus, incredible self control unbeknownst to a child, and an iron like grip on Monika's poem (which was miraculously left completely unscathed) you set it down, and you looked into Monika's emerald green eyes with determined tear filled eyes

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