Scatach's nightly visit

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It was a normal day in Luluhawa and you were doing your normal missions defeating monsters to gain motivation for your doujin you were making with Jalter, Summer Ushi, Mashu, and Green man (Robin). All was good, the weather was great in Luluhawa... there were many hot women to gawk at while you were doing your usual missions... you were on week 20 already (20 rounds of farming the event lol) Medb was looking mighty fine, very sexy in her near skimpy bikini, that's not mentioning Scatach-sama's, the one you had your eyes on for a while, raising her bond points whenever you could, she was just so very lovely. Scatach-sama adorned a very mature and adult swimsuit that just set your loins alight, it was indeed very hot, and it fit her very well. You were planing to go and compliment them after you were done with the days farming quota.

You walked towards the beach, intending to catch Scatach spending time with the others playing volleyball. Complimenting her on her swimsuit was the first step to getting her or anyone in bed with you.. that was your intention afterall. You finally sighted her, but stopped dead in your tracks and just gawked at her bikini clad body is shock, she looks a thousand times more alluring then she did before, perhaps it's because you finally get a proper look at her without Jalter threatening to burn you to a crisp and to "focus you dumb Master! you will die at this rate!".

Scatach caught your eye.. what the frick how did she notice? she was so into her volleybal game with Hime!!  You panicked, you got caught so off guard that you immediately flipped your gaze away from her, it was super embarassing. You were about to walk off when Scatach appeared before you, you almost bumped into her, alarming you with her strong, but silky and commanding voice 

"Ara~ Master where are you off to now? You simply couldn't get your eyes off me, I could very much feel you burning holes into my body! Only when I turned to meet your vicious gaze did you turn away? You thought you were sly huh~ or were you that enchanted by my sexy bikini?~" She said softly as she touched your shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze "You are too shy, you know that! I don't mind you looking.." she lowered her voice, her touch lingering. 

You were speechless. You only managed to blurt out "You really are super sexy and beautiful in that bikini, Scatach!" and blushed deeply at her. 

"Aww Master! you are so cute, I just can't help but want to squeeze your cheeks <3.. Thank you, I really appreciate your compliment~" She smiled sincerely, a light blush dusting her cheeks. 

"Anyways.. I have to get going now Master, that volleyball match won't win it'self. It was nice chatting, try not to stare too hard while I totally smack down on Medb and Osakabehime~" She smirked and walked away.

You were barely holding it together, she really was your dream woman, she looked so beautiful as she played volleyball, the light reflecting off her sweat covered body as her muscles flexed lauching her into the air to smack the ball, she was literally shining. But you remembered her last words, and regretfully tore your eyes from her and went to cool down with a beverage from the bar nearby... Jeez she's too dangerous, how am I going to get her to sleep with me????!!! She's too mature and intimidating!! You blushed harder reminicing of the time when you saw her in HD 1080p quality standing right in front of you. You should've hugged her right then and there, and felt her up real good... fuck!

Suddenly, Robin walked right to you and snapped you back to reality, your Masterly duty, and immediatly ushered you back to work, called you "Lazy bum" and "Jalter is going to kill you" oh well, I guess I have to, no other choice.. You walked back with him and the day past by like any other.

                                                                                     ~Time skip!~

It was night time, Jalter, Robin, and Ushi have left to go night drinking, and you couldn't join them because you were underage... curses! Mashu stayed behind with you to keep you company, as always you could rely on your precious eggplant for moral support! You played card games and watched tv until it was time to go to bed. Mashu left for her room that she shared with Ushi, and suddenly you were left in your very empty suit room in your lonely lonesome. You went to sleep, sighing, I hope Jalter won't harass me when she gets back.. You get ready to sleep and settle into bed. You was about to doze off until you suddenly felt a weight at your sides, you slowly sinked lower into the bed, you snapped awake and looked to see if it was the usual intruder, Kiyohime, but to your surprise it was Scatach staring right into your eyes with her piercing red eyes. They glimmered like deep red rubies in the moonlight which was slinking through the half closed curtains in your dark blue room dyed by the night. The city lights were far away, but you knew for sure what wasn't. Scatach was right above you, you felt her breath on your face, your heartbeat quickening "U-uh! Scatach?? what are you doing here! Especially at night?? Won't you sleep??!" You mustered praying she doesn't sense your quickening heart, she was slowly lowering herself towards you 

"Shhhh Master~ Relax! I've come to see you haha, you actually think I'd leave you all alone after our little encounter? That's very naive of you" She smirked "I just wanted to ask if I could sleep with you tonight." 


"u-uhh Scatach... w-what do you mean!? S-sleep with m-me???? Sca-" She presses a finger to your lips 

"Oh master, I can barely bare the sight of the stuttering mess you are, therefore I will clarify. I'm just here to sleep with you for the night" She eyes you fondly "I do not think you are quite ready for that" She enunciates, her voice a low growl to your ear. 

You gulp shuddering at her voice "O-oh okay! Please, make yourself comfortable!" You barely make it out, but you didn't need to since she was right above you

"Oh yes, I was planning on exactly that, I will give you some room, it seems like if I don't you might just forget to breath!~" She plops herself down next to you and slithers her arms around your limbs, cluthing you very close, so close you could feel her calm heartbeating, in comparison to your radically increasing one. You know she could totally feel it now, and you just blushed at that, you couldn't look her in the face, after that. UGH I CAN FEEL HER BEWBS AND HER TONED SSTOMMMMAACH UGH IT'S SO SEKKKSIIIII I'M UUUUUUUUUGH WTF! OKAY OKAY CALM DOWN THIS IS FINE, THIS IS WHAT YOU WWANTED... fuck I wildly overestimated myself, there is no way I can dom this sexy woman, hell I need to spend more time around her before I get the balls to go down on her..

You take a deep breath "Scatach... do you.. uhm.. want to go on a date tommorow?" You hear a sudden chuckle, you feel it on your neck "Oh master.. of course we can! You are just so cute there is no way I can refuse.. hehe I was waiting for you to ask" She squeezes your arm reassuringly "I'm glad you are getting used to this much physical contact, it seems your pulse has slowed down a little.." 

You simply shuddered and turned to hug her "Thank you scatach, this is thanks to you, I hope soon that we will be able to do a lot more... s- stuff  together.." you mumble into her, 

"Master.... you are just so cute, it's becoming unbareble I can hardly keep it together... but I will for you, your innocence is that of a child's, I can't wait to take your first.." She whispers "I'm looking forward to our date tommorow." she snuggles into you.

Your heart bursts with joy

You lie there overjoyed listening to Scatachs calm rhythmic breathing on your chest, you too eventually calmed down, and slowly you fell asleep in each others arms snuggling under the warm covers. You found out in the morning that she left, before Jalter stumbled in with Ushiwaka splayed across the bed, Robin was nowhere to be found, so you assumed he went to sleep in Mashu's room. You glanced on your bedside table and found a note with details about the date, it was a cute message, you smiled warmly at it as you remember the night before, the touch now faint and the time you shared with Scatach imprinted into your mind, you couldn't wait any longer to see her again on your date today. It was going to be amazing, and so you immediately got dressed to meet Scatach today and hopefully, one day, get the courage to go down on her in bed.

                                                                                ~The end!~

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