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Kara woke up in a small room with a bed and a sink. 'Glad to see you awake.' She jumped at the sound of that voice. Amon stood with his back facing her. 'What do you want from me?'

'I was as shocked as you were when nothing happened. I just want one small thing from you. How? How did you resist it?' He turned to her and moved closer to her. She pressed herself to the wall, trying to get as far away from him as possible. 'I...I...why do you want to know? Are you going to keep me here forever? Councilman Tarrlok and I are very close and he will find out about this.' She tried staying brave but it was hard when Amon was so close to her.

'Let me tell you something. I know my brother all too well. He wouldn't notice you until later. By then, you could be six feet underground, buried alive, or you could be halfway across the world.' Kara's heart stopped. Tarrlok was...his brother? Tears filled her eyes. 'Noatak?'

'I don't know why I didn't recognize you sooner.' Kara might as well have been dead right then. Noatak, missing for 20 whole years, just happens to be the Equalist leader, and was standing right in front of her. He put his hand on her cheek. 'I missed you.'

She sat up and hugged him. 'Noatak! Oh my god, where were you all this time? Why are you here with the Equalists?' She cried. Amon pulled away and removed his mask. He looked so much more different than he used to. Kara pulled down his hood and hugged him again. 'Does Tarrlok know?'

'No. By the way, I heard you and my brother were dating.' Kara sighed and leaned against the wall. 'You could say that. He's just been so busy with trying to persuade the Avatar into joining his task force and taking you...taking Amon down. We've been drifting apart.' Noatak put his mask back on. 'I'm afraid I won't see you for a while. I have work, but I promise you we can catch up later.'


At one point, he secretly let her go. One day, Kara was sitting at home with her doors locked because the Equalists were attacking the city. Someone knocked on her door. She immediately answered it and pulled Noatak in.

'Are you out of your mind?!' She shouted. 'I know you want equality, but this, this is madness!' She stopped when she noticed his mask wasn't there. 'What happened?' 

'It failed. My plan. The Avatar stopped me and now everyone knows who I am.' He said. Kara was now mad at him. He attacks the city, lies to everyone, and he kidnaps his own brother. 'I heard what you did to Tarrlok. Where is he?' Noatak and Kara used waterbending to get to Air Temple Island and to the top of the tower. 

'He's up there.' Kara scrambled up to stairs and opened the trapdoor to the empty attic. Tarrlok sat in a corner behind bars. Kara ran to him and held the bars. 'Tarrlok!' He stood up and held her hands. 'Kara. You went missing for weeks. Are you alright?' She nodded. He looked at Noatak behind her. 'So, you know? He's alive.'

'I know. We have to get out of here.' They stole a speed boat and escaped the city. Kara sat in front next to Noatak while Tarrlok sat in the back. Noatak started laughing victoriously. 'Haha! The three of us together again! There's nothing we can't do!'

'Yes, Noatak.' Tarrlok said. Kara noticed he was gloomier than usual. She forced a smile and nodded. 'Noatak. You know, I had almost forgotten the sound of my own name.' Noatak continued.

Kara felt her blood run cold when she felt Tarrlok with bloodbending move around a bit. His hand taking something from the side door. An electric glove. 'It will be just like the good old days.'

Kara started panicking. She looked at Noatak from the corner of her eye and could tell he knew what Tarrlok was doing, too. 

Just as Tarrlok put the glove on top of the fuel source, Noatak grabbed her hand and jumped into the water. And she used bloodbending to throw Tarrlok off. But not before the boat exploded and she felt entire body surrounded with heat.

Equalizedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن