Washed up

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Kara woke up on a beach. She sat up and looked around. An island in the middle of nowhere with a forest in the middle. Tarrlok laid unconscious on the sand next to her. She saw footprints where Noatak should have been, and they led into the forest.


Noatak woke up with a burning sensation on his face. He saw Kara and Tarrlok next to him on the beach unconscious. He stood up and walked into the forest. He found a clear pond and looked at his reflection.

There was a burn exactly like the one he had painted on himself before. 'Noatak?'

He flinched and saw Kara behind him. 'Leave me alone.' Kara only stepped closer. 'Are you okay?'

'Leave!' He heard her stay in place. 'I can help you.' She slowly sat next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. He looked away. 'Noatak, I came here looking for some clean water, and I found this.' She gently bent the water and began healing herself.

'Remember that time we snuck out of the house and stole from that one merchant selling fruit because we didn't want to have your moms new type of food?' Kara laughed. Noatak stayed silent. 'Talk to me.' She removed her shoe and dipped her foot into the water. She cringed in pain but calmed down. 'That explosion hurt you.' She looked at his arm. 'It's all burnt. Let me heal you.'

He didn't resist when she started healing him but kept his face away. 'Look at me.' He sighed and showed her his burn. Her mouth dropped as she examined it. It ran all across his face. She removed a necklace with a vial and opened the lid. 'Spirit water from the Spirit Oasis.'

'Kara, no. This stuff is too valuable.' She didn't close the lid. 'It's worth it.' Noatak stood up and began walking away. She held his hand and pulled him back to her. 'Why, Kara? I left you for 20 years, when we finally find each other, I try taking your bending away.'

'Close your eyes.' She whispered. Noatak closed his eyes and Kara began her work. She was so close, he could feel her breathing. She started with his right eye. She bent the water into two part and worked on both sides of his face. Once it all ran out, she put her hands down but was stopped by Noatak. She looked up at him slowly. 'It's done now.' He still didn't let go. 'Noatak.' She said sternly.

'I...I should go find Tarrlok.' Noatak let go of her and walked away. He disappeared from her sight and she sat down. Tarrlok walked up to her. 'Oh! Tarrlok! I, uh, Noatak was looking for you.'

'Great, because I need to talk to you.' He sat down my next to her. 'I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry for getting us all hurt like that.' Kara's face fell. 'Why? What did you think you were going to accomplish?'

'We're...you two are bloodbenders. Probably the only ones left. Minus Katara, that is. But the only ones that can do it during the day. You're dangerous. The world would be better off with all three of us gone.' Kara was about to say something when she felt something hit her in the neck, like a dart. Tarrlok got the same thing. They both fell backwards. Tarrlok slowly reached for the dart and pulled it out. Kara, on the other hand, was having trouble breathing. An allergic reaction.

'Hold...on.' Tarrlok reached for the dart in her and pulled it out. But then, a few men appeared and surrounded them. 'Take the girl. This one's useless.' The men picked Kara up and dragged her away. 'We're going back to Republic City, boys.'

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