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'Woah...are you going to you know...take my bending?' Noatak shook his head. 'Who are you?'

'I'm Jin. I've lived with my grandmother forever now and everything I've learned, I've learned from her. How to cook, read, metalbend, you name it.' Noatak nodded and processed it all. 'Where were you living?'

'The swamp.'

'And where are your parents?'

'I...I don't wanna talk about it.'

'You're sure?'

'I'm sure.' She whispered. 'Enough of this talk. I'm going to get Kara.' Tarrlok said. His brother grabbed his arm and pulled him back. 'I'll go.' Jin stood up. 'Me, too.'

Noatak and Jin walked to the building in silence. 'So...uh, how do you and Kara know each other?' Jin said, breaking the silence. 'We grew up together, I ran away, she hates me, I told you this already.'

'Oops, sorry, Mr. Crankypants.' She said. He grumbled something under his breath. 'You're jealous of you brother?' Noatak stopped walking. 'What?'

'M'y grandmother taught me how to feel peoples vibrations. When Tarrlok was about to go get Kara, I felt your jealousy.' Noatak ignored her and started walking again. 'Who is your grandmother, anyways?'

'Toph.' He looked at her. 'The Toph, like, Beifong, Toph?' Jin nodded. He thought for a moment. 'She only has two daughters. The chief of police and founder of Zaofu. Which one is it?'

'Lin.' Jin said sadly. 'It was back when her and Tenzin were a couple...when my mom found out she was pregnant, she completely fell apart and went to Toph the day I was born. I haven't seen her since.'

'Oh...so, does that mean you could have been an Airbender?' Jin shrugged. 'Possibly.' They continued in silence. 'The building is near Air Temple Island.' They put up their masks and began running to the building. 'Hey! What do you think you're doing?' A cop shouted. He saw their black suits and the way they ran to the building and launched a fireball at him. Jin pulled Noatak next to her and made a wall to shield themselves.

'Back up! I need backup!' They heard him shout. 'Go. I'll hold them off.' Noatak ran into the building. Jin peaked around the rock wall and moved back when the cop shot more fire at her. She took a rock and threw it at him. He grunted and fell to the ground. A metal bending cop used his cables to grab her arm. She used her wrist blade to cut it off.

'Stop! You're outnumbered! Give up and surrender!' She heard a voice say behind her wall. She jumped up and when she landed, she punched the ground and made waves of rock. 'Never!' Her rock wall shrank back down to the ground and she saw how outnumbered she really was.

She was surrounded by a dozen of cops ready to fight. She tightened her ponytail and readied her stance.


Noatak stepped over the unconscious and probably dead bodies and ran out the door of the building with Kara in his arms. He saw a crowd of police standing in a line with Jin in handcuffs. He looked at her and she nodded. He was about to take them all out when another airship hovered above them and someone jumped down and used her cables to slow her fall down.

'What is going on here?' Noatak lifted her up in the air. She started screaming. Jin's eyes widened. 'Stop!' He let her go in shock. 'Stop.' Jin said again. She started walking to the woman Noatak had just bloodbent.

The officers immediately pulled her back. She broke out of her cuffs and walked to the lady. 'Mom?' The lady stared at her. 'What?' Jin seemed as though she was in a trance. 'It's me. Your daughter.' Her voice cracked. 'Remember? You gave me to Grandma Toph.'

Lin shook her head. 'Gr-grab him!' Her officers ran to Noatak. He stepped back and looked at Kara in his arms. Jin stomped her foot on the ground and a pillar shot out from under Noatak's feet. He flew into the ocean and she saw his figure swim away. Jin looked back at her mother with tears in her eyes.


'Meelo, what have we said about farting in your sisters faces?' Tenzin scolded at his son with his two daughters in the background pinching their noses. He saw Lin walk up with a girl he had never seen before. 'We need to talk. In private.'


'This doesn't make any sense. Yes, I know me and Lin were quite irresponsible kids but she never told me about having a child!' Tenzin paced in his study. 'I'm sorry Tenzin.' Lin said. Jin looked at their two parents argue about her. 'Guys enough! It doesn't matter whether or not I'm real or if I'm yours, but I'm here now.'

'What are we going to do with her?' Lin asked Tenzin. 'I don't know! Maybe give her back to Toph and forget this ever happened?' Jin felt rage boil inside of her. 'I'm right here! You guys are just going to dump me back in the middle of nowhere?! I'm not going back! This is the first time I've ever left that swamp! Every time I would get Toph's dinner, I would see hallucinations of you guys leaving me! Do you even know how that feels?!' While she was yelling, she was waving her arms around. Jin felt a strange sense of energy inside of her and the next thing she knew, she was flying back. Lin had also flew and hit the wall. Tenzin watched in shock as both ladies rubbed their heads.

Jin stared at her shaking hands. What just happened to her? Did she just...airbend? She stood up and ran out the door. She needed to clear her head. 'Wait!' She hear Tenzin scream. She didn't care. She ran all the way through the city and tried reaching the cave. 'Stop!' Lin and Tenzin, with the police force behind them, were right behind her.

She stopped. She was surrounded on both sides. Front and back. Jin looked around. She was on Kyoshi Bridge. She struggled to breathe as her whole body flew up in the air. She screamed and landed on the top of the bridge. 'Someone get up there and bring her down immediately!' Lin ordered. Metalbenders climbed up the bridge and fired their cables at Jin. 

'Wait! Call them off!' Tenzin shouted. 'Since Korra isn't here, I'll handle this.' Tenzin flew up to the top. 'Jin. Jin, look at me.' She couldn't take her eyes off the ground. If there was one thing she truly, genuinely hated, it was heights. 'Don't look down. Close your eyes and turn your head to me.' She did as told.

'Okay, now let's get you down so we can see what's happening. Everything is fine' He said gently. 'You seem to calm about this! What about this situation is calming? I just airbent and now I'm stuck on top of Kyoshi Bridge! Everything is not fine! Not fine at all!' She jumped off.

Tenzin gasped and jumped down after her. Jin made and air cushion to land and used earthbending to surf back to the mountains just outside the city.

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