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Kara woke up with a man hovering over her. She gasped for air. A man gave her something to drink. 'Drink. It will reduce the throat swelling.' He injected some kind of serum in her. The first thing she did was throw him across the room with bloodbending then lift him in the air, making sure it hurt. 'What did you do to me?' Her vision suddenly turned blurry. 'What...?' She let go of the man. He dusted himself off. A more official-looking man came into her view. 'My, my, you have fire in your heart. You'll make a fine body guard.'


Noatak ran to his brother sitting up. 'What happened? Where's Kara?' Tarrlok held the dart in front of him. 'Shirshu darts. Some people took her.' Noatak looked around. 'You know she's allergic to that stuff, right? Shirshu toxins cause her throat to swell.' Tarrlok sighed loudly. 'Yes, I know that. I can't believe you remembered.'

'Let's go.' Noatak bent down and found footprints in the dirt. 'They went this way.' Tarrlok stopped his brother. 'Don't. Move.' Noatak looked behind his brother. A platypus-bear moved toward them, growling. Noatak sighed and inhaled. The platypus-bear roared as it floated up in the air and was throw against a tree. 'Easy as pie.' Tarrlok was stunned. 'Brother, I have a question.'

'Hmm?' Noatak continued walking. 'Do you know how to restore my bending?' He stopped. 'What?'

'Can you restore my bending?' Tarrlok said slower and more clear. 'No. I don't think I can.' Tarrlok swore under his breath. 'Yet here you are, expecting me and Kara to forgive you?'

'You tried blowing us up!'

'It was for the sake of the safety of the world!' Tarrlok shouted back. Noatak looked away and continued walking. 


'I have eyes everywhere. I know you've been traveling with your boyfriend and his brother. Apparently, the brother's a bloodbender just like you, and he's hurt you. I can feel it. Tell me, do you want to know the feeling of satisfaction? He left you for a painfully long time. It hurts just watching your memories. You, on the other hand, have experienced it in person. My healers have looked at you. How did you get those scars on your back?' The man asked Kara.

'Yakone. He did...he did it to me.' Her voice cracked. Kara was trying to fight the serum in her but her mind was out of her control. Some guards brought a girl in. From the looks of it, with her olive skin, green eyes, and clothing, she was from the Earth Kindgom. 'A metalbender, sir.' 

'Good. Put her next to the bloodbender.' The girl struggled to get free. She looked about Kara's age, just slightly younger. 'Let me go! What are you going to do to me?!' She cried. The man grabbed her chin and made her look at Kara. 'You see her dull eyes? The way she's not doing anything, thinking of anything? You will learn to serve me.'


Tarrlok and Noatak had knocked out two guards and disguised themselves just before a ship left for Republic City. 'Where do you think they are?' Tarrlok whispered. Noatak put a finger to his lips and put his ear to the bosses door.

' the CEO of Keum Enterprises, I have a right to worry about my security!...'

'...I'll take them to my building...'

'...lovely view outisde, yes. Of the ocean...'

'...we'll arrive in a few hours...'

Noatak pulled Tarrlok away and hid as a man marched out of the office. 'We arrive in Republic City in a few hours. We need to get Kara out now.'


Kara's headache began to disappear. She was in another small room with a girl. The Earth Kingdom girl. 'H-hey.' She stared blankly at her. 'Are you okay?' Kara tried getting up but fell back down. A guard barged in and held the syringe out. 'This should keep you off till we reach the city.' Kara's eyes widened and the man started flowing. 'Backup! I need backup!' The other guard peaked in and pressed a red button.

Immediately, dozens of more guards ran in and fell unconscious to the floor. Kara panted as she stepped over the bodies and ran down the hallway. The serum had taken a big toll on her. She leaned against a wall to catch her breath. Her body felt a sudden rush of electricity. She screamed and fell. A man stood there with smoke trailing two of his fingers. 'Got her'

'Chain her up and make sure she stays in her cell. And blindfold her, too.'


'Um, excuse me. This is our shift.' The guards nodded and left. Noatak and Tarrlok waited for them to disappear behind the corner and walked in. Tarrlok rushed to the chained up Kara. 'Kara?' He ripped her blindfold off. She looked unconscious, but her eyes were open. 'She's been injected with one of his many serums. You're gonna have to carry her. Now take her out of those chains.'

Kara moaned and whispered something. 'What's?' Tarrlok leaned closer to hear her. 'The girl...take her too...'

'She wants us to bring her with us, too.' Noatak picked her up. She looked more dull than Kara. Noatak heard footsteps coming towards them 'We need to get out of here.'

'Not without Kara.' Noatak grabbed his brother and ran out. He opened a window and jumped. He made a bubble around them and swam away before they were caught.

They made camp in a cave on a mountain near Republic City. Tarrlok paced around the cave while Noatak stood in front of the girl, Jin. She groaned and rubbed her head. 'Wha...where am I?' She gasped when she saw Tarrlok and Noatak staring at her.

'It's okay. We're not going to bite.' Noatak said. Jin just sat there in shock. 'I-...can someone please explain what I'm doing here?' Noatak sat in front of her. 'I'll explain everything.'

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