Step Siblings

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3rd Person POV George and Karl

Karl and his brother George were hanging out in the gaming room while their dad helps their new stepmom and her kids bring their stuff over they both weren't excited because it's always been them and their dad and now there going to have 3 more people join their household they were playing a game of pool when they heard the door slam open they both jumped at the sudden noise great there hear George mumbled We have to be nice dad said so Karl mumbled he just had to marry her he should have just stayed with mom  George stop before he hears you who cares if he hears I miss mom lets just go downstairs George they probably need help, by the way, did you tell dad I'm going out with Quackity  George? No dad doesn't like Quackity he thinks he is a bad influence yea but he makes me happy and dad doesn't get a say in anything me or you do we are old enough to do whatever we want and Quackity has done nothing wrong he is super sweet he and his friend John Smith and Ed Sheeran are throwing a party for there friend so that's why I haven't left yet but I  know dad will try to make me stay to hang out with the boys his new wife brought let's Just head downstairs he's probably waiting for us Karl 


We both rush downstairs to see our mom's vase that was full of flowers broken on the ground They look at each other and you can clearly tell how sad and pissed off they are both of them look at the culprits they see a tall blonde and with wavy hair and a boy with black hair who looks to be about 5'10 Karl starts giving both of the boy's death stares and George  George ran to the flowers and the broken vase falling to his knees crying Karl looks over and looks at his brother he has never seen/his brother cry and for him to do this surprised him he went running to his brother as fast as he could George are you alright Karl said in a hushed voice George doesn't Respond he starts shaking shh George  it's alright Karl that's mom's Vase and she gave it to me as a gift George lets get this cleaned up before dad starts yelling and just at that moment dad walks in Boy's what Happened These two broke mom's Vase Karl pointed to the Blonde and Black-headed boy They look unamused and Karl looked like he was going to kill them for hurting George It's just a stupid Vase we can always replace it Dad said you dick head that was OUR MOM'S VASE IT MIGHT NOT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU BUT IT MEANT ALOT TO GEORGE Karl says fumming with anger And then Karl was meet with a hit to the face Don't raise your voice with me Karl Jacobs Karl Grabs George's Hand and they both speed walk down to Karl's room Karl pushes George in and gets in himself before slamming the door shut and locking it.

3rd person Pov Dream and Sapnap

we  were in the car with our mom and her new husband  we were joking around and talking about games we wanted to play and try out  we didn't care if our mom got married we could care less our dad was a drunk bastard who left us and he would come back once or twice a month drunk and beat us Sapnap and Dream would stand up for there mom so she wouldn't get hurt so they had a lot of scars on their body they always say they make them look badass and some girls thought they look hot as hell but they both didn't care what they thought we start getting into a fancy neighborhood and we pull up to one of the biggest house there Sapnap and  Dream sit in awe We get out and start grabbing  Boxes but then our new stepdad said that he would get them and to go meet his boys so Dream and Sapnap started running into the house Sapnap tripped on* the rug and knocked over a pretty glass Vase Oh shit we already broke something  Sapnap said and as he said that we see two boys who come downstairs a short brunette and a tall brunette the tall one gives me and sapnap a death stare and out of the corner of my eye I see the shorter one run over to the vase and cry (gosh what a cry baby I think)

The taller one seems confused for some reason but after a minute of him standing still, he rushes over to the shorter one they start mumbling and Dream and Sapnap look at each other Dream why is he crying over a dumb vase there literally rich they can buy a new one or something.

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