the little lies we tell

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background info Karl is one of the popular kids but he's always a distance from the others in his group and shy's away and books would be his distraction he often got asked out but he never liked anyone like that he always thought about others he doesn't have any parents but he has a younger brother named Max he is sick and needs meds so he needs to be able to balance a job school and still be able to take care of Max and school wise it's uni so there like 19 ish 

                                                                              Karl's POV

the day is Monday the season is close to winter

Karl is out looking for another job since he's not making enough money for Max's meds he saw this Now Hiring ad  in the newspapers and he decided why not so right now he's walking to the address as he reaches his destination he realized  this place looks like a mansion the gates open so he walks in and as he goes in he walks to the front door and knocks a few seconds and the door opens 

 "why hello there mister"

 a little boy says  Karl looks at the boy with awe the boy had brown hair and brown eyes he was wearing a yellow and brown striped shirt and overalls over it and was holding a duck in his hand Karl looks at him he seems about Max's age  

hey little guy is there by any chance an adult I can speak with Karl asks in a gentle tone 

The boy smiles at the nickname "yes " he grabs Karl's hand and runs into the building giggling 

Karl starts to panic this little guy just brought him into the house what happens if he gets in trouble then he sees an adult and she looks at him confused  she is tall with curly blonde hair and looks kind of like a pirate 

"Look ma I found ma new babysitter"  the boy giggles  I look at him and smile he looks like a happy child  the mother clears her throat and speaks 

"My dear boy  how many times have I told you to not let strangers in the house," she says firm but calmy 

the boy looks at the floor and begins to start pouting I feel bad for him but I can't say anything because she is teaching him a lesson and I have no right to get between her and her child 

"I'm sorry ma," he says as he looks up with tears and holds his duck with one hand while whipping his face 

"Oh my dear boy " she walks over to him and grabs his hand and kneels before him "hey you don't need to cry I didn't mean to make you cry," she says with a sigh  she kisses his forehead "can you  go upstairs, and pick out a movie we can watch as a family tonight"

 she says as she side hugs him and gives him one more kiss on the forehead and sends him on his way 

I watch with a frown as I can hear his little sniffles but I snap my attention to the woman as  she is getting up and patting down her dress coat

 "so are you here for the babysitter and maid job," she says with a kind smile  

Yes mam I reply with a smile to

"Okay tell me your name and why you want to work here and what hours you can work," she says 

my name is K Karl Jacobs mam and I want to work here because I need money for medical bills and I can come work at any time 

she looks at me when I say medical bills with a sad smile but switches the topic 

"You don't have school" she questions with a confused look 

no, I do but I get credit for having a job so I can work and get a grade out of it I say with a smile 

"Okay Karl Jacobs you are hired," she says with a smile 

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