The Ice cream shop FLUFF

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Quackity + Dream

There out on a date and a random guy start's to try and pull Quackity's beanie off and clearly is making Dream uncomfortable and start's to try and drag him off to an alleyway

Dream's POV third person

Dream and Quackity were walking along the beach until he saw a pretty little ice cream shop and he decided to go get Quackity an icecream cone so hey Quackity Dream said I'll be right back I'm going to go get you an ice cream you wait right here for me Dream says as he hugs Quackity

"Yea I'll wait right here," Quackity says as he sits on a bench across from the ice cream parlor

I'll be right back as fast as I can Dream says as he kisses Quackity's nose

Dream rushes into the ice cream parlor and looks at the flavors they all are good but all of a sudden he hears at the back of the parlor people talking he rings the bell and outcomes two gentlemen one who had glasses and black hair and I looked at his nametag and it said BBH and the other had black hair and had a blue sweater on I looked at his nametag and it read Skeepy

"How can I help you today?" good sir the Bbh guy asks

Could I get a strawberry Ice cream cone with sprinkles and another cone of Vanilla please and thank you

the Skeppy guy quickly mad the cones and held them that will be 3 dollars the Bbh said

I take out my wallet and pull out a 20 I hand it to Bbh and he was about to give me change when Dream told him to keep it Skeppy gave Dream the cones and he walked out he looked at the bench and noticed some guy bothering Quackity and trying to take his beanie off of his head

"Can you please leave me alone" I heard Quackity semi yell

I saw the guy start pulling at his arm and I started to feel a boiling rage grow inside my stomach I then heard Quackity start crying and I notice the guy dragging him into a close alleyway I quickly ran off in the direction I saw them go in I looked down the alleyways and saw the man trying to kiss Quackity I pick the guy up from his shirt and push him against the wall don't you dare and try to touch him Dream said in a rather intimidating voice the guy looked at Dream and nodded his head after Dream glared at him a little longer he let go of the man and he ran off then Dream turned his complete attention to Quackity he was on the floor holding onto his legs Quackity are you okay Dream said in a quiet tone

"Can we just go home?" Quackity murmured

Do you want me to carry you?

"Please," Quackity said

he dropped the ice Cream and picked Quackity up

Dream carried Quackity home

Quackity ended up falling asleep so Dream was just walking in silence until he got to his house and struggled to get his keys out of his pocket after a long time of trying he finally got them and slowly opened the door after he opened it he got his key's and kicked the door shut he walked to his room and set Quackity on the bed he tucked Quackity in and went to draw him a bath and ordered food so after he was done taking a bath he could eat

Quackity wake up let's get you cleaned I hummed as I pushed his shoulder

"Okay give me a minute " he screeches as I start to tickle him Now or I'm going to keep tickling you

"Fine but you better get a movie or a show-ready so we can cuddle and fall asleep to it," he says glaring at me

Got it, the bath is ready for you so get your clothes and come downstairs I say with a smile and if you want you can steal some of my clothes

"OUR CLOTHES " Quackity glares

I wheeze as he glares at me and flicks me off and walks off into the bathroom I cant believe I got so lucky to have this guy I get blankets ready and put on coco melon since I know he likes coco melon (Ipad kid Cough) I look at the time and realized that the food should be here soon and I looked around for patches where is that little furball I look in the kitchen and there she is sleeping on the table Patches your not supposed to be sleeping up there girl I grab her and bring her into the living room


I run to the door with my wallet and open the door

"Hey babe how do I look?"

the delivery man stood there drooling I looked at him with a glare I moved over to the side so he couldn't see Quackity I didn't want men objectifying him as an object because he has feelings and is a very sweet guy when you get to know him here's your money

"Hey, weres my tip the man yelled!"

You want your tip I say cracking my knuckles I say glaring at him if I were you I would leave before I decide to hurt you I say in a deep raspy voice he quickly ran to his car after I say that and then I feel tiny hands wrap around my waist I turn around and look at Quackity he was wearing shorts and my hoodie that was way too big on him

"I'm sorry I should've looked in the room just in case the door was open," He said with tears in his eyes

Hey baby boy don't ever say your sorry for men being horrible and looking at you like your something they can eat ( I'm not saying all men are bad ) and you look very adorable Dream says as he places a kiss on Quackity's nose

they sit down on the couch and eat their food and enjoy the night together watching coco melon and Dream laughing as Quackity was singing along to it when they ended up falling asleep Quackity was cuddling into Dream's chest and Dream was playing with his hair and kissing the top of his head Goodnight beautiful boy


I don't know is it just me but this is what I want :(

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