Chapter 3: Our First Aquaintance

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My mother then nudges me and gives me a stern look.

Mother: Darling what on earth are you doing?"

She quietly asks under her breath. The Queen then turns to us with a confused expression on her face.

Chung-ha: Is everything alright?

Mother: Yes, not a problem. Pardon us.

We both bowed in respect towards the queen. I then look up afterwards to see one of the princes smiling at me, the same one from earlier. Gosh he is quite attractive - I mean they all but, it's just something about his gaze that gives me butterflies. I suddenly get this kind of feeling towards him - but I couldn't be sure, I haven't even met him yet. The Queen then takes a deep breath and gives an introduction.

Chung-ha: My name is Queen Chung-ha, and that is how you must address me. On your sides you have K and Hanbin, the butlers.

They both smile and and give a slight nod, mother and I do the same back.

Chung-ha: I'm sure you guys have already been acquainted with Daniel the Coachman.

Mother: Indeed we have.

I look up the side window to see Daniel taking the horses to the back stables. Hey gave me a slight smile and a wave. I shyly smile back.

Chung-ha: And lastly, my sons; Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon and Ni-ki.

As the Queen said each of the names, they all bowed to the order in which she announce them. They all bowed at 45° so it was only respectful for me and mother to bow at about 90° back. That's when I finally learned his name; Jake. If that name doesn't scream royal, I don't know what does. Gosh he looks so mature and charming as well. Our eyes met once more but, we both quickly looked away. His eyes stared into the depths of my soul, like a Wolf.

Chung-ha: Everyone meet Lee Ji-eun and Lee Y/N, the new house maids.

Jay: *whispers* Gosh, new maids again?

Chung-ha: Excuse me Jay would you like to repeat that?

Jay: *stutters* N-no mother.

Chung-ha: My dears, we treat our staff with respect. Now don't we we want our new staff to feel comfortable here? I ask of you kindly to please respect them and treat them nicely *looks at Y/N* will you do that for me?

Princes:  Yes mother.

Chung-ha: *looks at the grand clock* My goodness is that the time? Well you all the best be off to your bed, you've got many plans tomorrow. Ji-eun, Y/N, your rooms are at the back of the hall to your left. Rest up please.

Mother and I are bow towards the Queen as we left to go to our rooms. Mother hold my hand and looks at me giving me a genuine smile. As we get to the door she cups my cheeks and kisses me on the right side of my face.

Mother: You just wait out here until I finish setting up our beds.

I nod in agreement as I watch her enter the room. I let out a big sigh until I feel cold grip on my shoulder. I turned to see the Queen looking at me with a cold gaze. I look up to her with an expressionless face.

Chung-ha: *whispers* You listen here child, you are to do what I say, when I say it, no questions asked. You minor maids are all rascals so don't try anything funny. Do I make myself clear?

Y/N: Y-yes ma'am-uhhh Queen Chung-ha.

She turns to strut down the hall leaving me with a stuttering sigh. I breathe heavily out of fear. Gosh this is not what I expected her to be like. I look up slowly to see a pair of eyes looking at me from around the corner of the hall. I notice that it's Jake. He quickly turns away, going towards his own room. Was he spying on me? Anyway, I enter my room and sit on my bed, very confused about what just happened. My mother wishes me good night and I rest my eyes to sleep. Let's just hope that tomorrow is a better day.

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