XXVI - Tongue Twister

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We stayed there for at least a few minutes. His lips were soft. His hands, although cold, were comforting. His hand trailed up my arm to my neck and head, gripping my head and holding me close.

When I finally pulled away, both of us were breathing heavily.

Cloud lightly chuckled, "That was... a bit more... intense than I was expecting, especially from... someone like you."

"Someone like me?" I echoed, brows furrowing.

"Someone... sexually traumatized," Cloud whispered. "I can assume you had a lot of... not-so-consensual kisses." He ran his fingers through my hair. "I-I just.... I wasn't expecting it. For you to be so... ready." He gave me a pointed look, "Can you, by any chance, tie knots with your tongue?"

I couldn't help but lightly laugh at that, "N-no, I can't. I-I mean, I knew some girls in school that could do it, but I can't. D-did it feel like it? C-can.... Can you?"

He nodded, "I do have... quite a bit of practice. And, yes, it did kinda feel like you hypothetically could tie a knot with your tongue." He looked around the kitchen, getting off his stool, "I think we have some cherries somewhere." He opened the refrigerator, "Yep, got 'em." He pulled out the mostly-empty bag.

Cloud popped one full cherry into his mouth. He took my empty plate and glass, putting them into the dishwasher.

When he turned back, he pulled the stem out of his mouth.

My jaw dropped.

It was tied in a knot.

"How did you do that?" I gasped, sliding off my stool.

"Years and years... and years of practice," he said with a smile. "You sure you can't do that? It certainly felt like you did."

My cheeks turned warm. I let out a shaky breath, "I-I cannot do that."

"Mm... I can... teach you?" Cloud offered with a knowing glance.

"Oh, I don't know about that... yet," I slowly said.

"Of course, of course, sorry," he frantically said, eyes wide. "No pressure. I-I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"No, no, it's okay, I get it," I quickly said. "I mean.... I didn't... not like that. But, uh, you could do with a different chapstick brand." I lightly touched my burning lips. "It, uh, kinda burns."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I totally forgot about that," Cloud said. "I can switch it out for something different, totally." He stared at me for a moment. "What's that smile for? I mean, I'm glad I'm seeing a smile, but mind telling me the reason?"

"It's just...," I thought for a moment, smile faltering. "When I first... heard of you--and met you--you were this... infallible force. A literal god. A god that everyone in Ivory Tower worshipped and... seemed to almost fear. And then...," I crossed my arms. "Well, when we started to get to know each other.... You're just... not. You-you're goofy and, dare I say, stupid--"

"Oh, you have no idea," Cloud rolled his eyes.

"You're, for lack of a better word, human," I said, motioning to him. "And, I.... I love it. I thought I would be...," I shook my head. "I thought this would be... different. Gods don't exactly have a nice streak. At least, not according to my education."

Cloud slowly nodded, leaning on the counter, "Fair enough. And, you're feeling better about this? About... us? And how we're kinda... bonded? How my grandfather sewed us together."

I took a deep, shaky breath, feeling as though I had been hit with a truck. We were bonded. Sewn by the First God.

"Raine?" Cloud gently took my hands.

"Is this real?" I breathed. "All this? My feelings for you? Are they real, or just... orchestrated by your grandfather? Is any of this real whatsoever?" My voice cracked. I felt tears burning behind my eyes.

Cloud looked taken aback, "I.... I wish I could give you an answer."

I rubbed my eyes.

I looked up at him, "Fucking kissing me, moron. But change that chapstick first, it's disgusting."

Cloud burst into laughter, making me smile.

"Aw, there's that smile," he rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "I'm looking forward to seeing that more often." He took my face in his hands. "I don't know how my grandfather works, so I can't give you an answer." His brows furrowed, "Do you... actually think this... isn't real? Wh-why would you even agree to come here if you thought that?"

I sighed and shook my head, "I don't know. I just.... I guess I want to believe that someone's actually interested in me. Emotionally, not just...." I bit my lip.

Cloud gently kissed me again, much lighter this time.

When he pulled away, he stayed close. I could feel his breath on my face. "I do like you, Raine. More than like, really. And I doubt this is fake in any way. But... in other news, Dexter has been staring at us for the past two minutes, how about we attack him with pillows?"

I smiled, "Sounds like a plan."

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