IV - Confession

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The wolf lay in the snow. It seemed very peaceful. It kept staring at me, its piercing blue eyes gentle and concerned. Then it slowly stood up and padded over to me, tilting its head. Its nub of a left ear kept moving, even though there was practically nothing there. It was funny to see it moving like that.

Someone was in the room. I slowly opened my heavy eyes to see the three books stacked on the bedside table. After a moment, I rolled over to see Abraham sitting at the end of the bed, sipping something from a mug.

"Good morning," he smiled. "And, yes, it is actually still morning. Here, I brought you some tea. Might calm your nerves." He held out a mug. I slowly sat up, taking the warm mug and rubbing my eyes. "I see you did some research."

"Beta vampires are such stereotypes," I mumbled. "Alphas are cooler."

"Ha! You got a point," Abraham laughed. "Don't tell me you read all three of those books! You were out cold at around three or four."

"Just 1.5," I shrugged, sipping the tea. "Couldn't sleep."

"You were talking in your sleep," he nodded.

"I-I was?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"Yeah," Abraham smiled. "Sounded like a happy dream."

"Considering I'm terrified of wolves, definitely not," I sighed.

"Well that's ironic," he said. "Our mayor is a werewolf."

"Hm, sure," I sipped the tea again. "I'll believe it when I see it. Right now, I just want to find the person who attacked my truck.... I... I think it was Anna."

"Ugh, probably," Abraham sighed. "She hasn't stopped talking about you since we met you! Just a bunch of bullshit about how you don't belong here, how humans are obviously weaker than the other species.... I think she wanted to find proof that you're up to no good, which is obviously total bullshit."

My stomach dropped. If Anna actually had been the one to bash my truck, then she had been the one to find the money. And if she was trying to make people see that I was up to no good, then the money would be the perfect evidence.

"I have a confession," I whispered.

"That was... a sudden shift in mood," Abraham slowly said. "We were talking about werewolves and Anna then you suddenly decide to go all...." He looked me up and down. "Are you... afraid?"

"Look in the suitcase," I mumbled. "Please."

After a moment of confusion, he got down on the floor. I kept my eyes on my tea as he unzipped the case. He opened it, then softly gasped. I closed my eyes for a moment, a single tear falling down my cheek. I didn't want to do this, but I had to. If I were to have control over my life, it meant telling people where the money had actually come from before someone had a chance to twist it into something horrible. Well, more horrible than it already was.

Abraham sat on the side of the bed, "Raine, where did you get that?"

I bit my lower lip. I didn't want to talk about this. "Th-the person who attacked my truck found that money. I just wanted you to know about it before they decide to use it against me. I-it wasn't anything too illegal, I promise. It's just... hush money."

"Hush money," he slowly nodded. "Well, then we can play the yes or no game. I'll ask a question about the money, then you can either nod or shake your head. You don't even have to say anything." He thought for a moment. "Hush money, but nothing too illegal, whatever that means. So it was technically illegal?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Was it... gang related? Drugs?"

I shook my head.

"Were you underage?"

Nod. I wrapped my arms around myself.

He looked me up and down. "Were people... touching you?"

Another nod.

It took him a moment, but then his eyes widened. "You were... a prostitute?"

I took a deep breath, then nodded.

"Oh, Raine," Abraham sighed.

"Don't," I whispered. "Just... don't. That part of my life is over now."

The blood was thick and warm on my hands.

It pooled around his head.

"I am not a murderer," I softly reminded myself.

"What?!" Abraham had heard me. "Y-you killed somebody?"

"I-it was self defense," I replied, more tears falling. "He was the one that started it, the one who first touched me! I-I didn't go there with intentions to kill him. I just had enough. I-I was going to graduate soon anyway."

He stayed silent for a moment, then got back on the floor and zipped up the suitcase. "Thank you for telling me, Raine. Is it okay if I call Killian and Mika and tell them about this?"

"No," I shook my head. "I-I can't ruin that trust."

"It won't ruin their trust in you," he sighed. "Well, the mayor's heard about you, and I think she'll probably want to meet you eventually. It's best to tell her, and my master beta, Nicolai, about this." He took the empty mug from my hand, placing both on the table. "I'm glad you told me, Raine. That must have been difficult for you. Tonight, I'll tell Nicolai about this. In the meantime, just... read your books."

"Th-thank you," I mumbled as he left.

"Ivory Tower accepts those who are running."

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