XVI - Eli (pt II)

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Late that night, Amelia returned with Cedar. I knew she would want to talk to me about Cloud, so I was ready for her. What I wasn't ready for was all of Eli's texts and voicemails. Just message after message of "call me back" and "please don't go all silent like this." I just hid under my blankets, dried tears on my face.

"Raine?" Amelia knocked on the door. She silently slipped into the room. "Raine, you reek of regret. What happened? I was told your first gift was from the hunter, and the second was from the God of Ivory Tower, so what's wrong?"

"I fucked up," I mumbled. "He got me a phone. I called my friend, Eli." I forced myself to sit up. "Even over the phone, he can tell when I'm lying. So I told him the truth.... All of it. Of course he's worried; he practically raised me." I rubbed my face, running my fingers through my black hair.

"You told him... everything?" Amelia breathed.

"Just the basics," I mumbled. "Magic is real, I'm supposed to be some god's romantic partner or some shit, I don't know." I lay back down and pulled up the heavy, hot blankets.

Amelia pulled them down, "How about some waffles for dinner?"

The thought of food made my stomach turn. I shook my head and cuddled deeper. She just sighed, "Raine, have you even eaten anything today? I know things have been... difficult lately, and I know you're sad, but you need to eat. And get out of this room."

"Don't wanna," I tried to hide myself.

"No, no, come on," she pulled the blankets away. "Waffles for dinner. You don't even have to eat all of them. Just a bit. Come on, up you get." She grabbed my arm and managed to pull me up. I sighed and got out of the bed, rubbing my teary eyes.

I followed her down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"So, what's the God of Ivory Tower like?" Amelia smiled.

"Really?" I sighed. "Well, he's the god of storms and sanctuary. He's got a lot of siblings, and he brought two of his brothers to help get rid of the hunter.... His name is Cloud. He's nice. Kind of dorky, but means well."

"Did you just call a god dorky?" She glanced at me.

"Well, I called him Mr. God earlier, and kind of insulted his name," I couldn't help but smile at the memory. "I talked to his brother. He's going to be around here, protecting me. He's a big white lion."

"A lion?" Amelia laughed. "An actual white lion?"

"Yes," I laid my head down on the table.

"Well, I'm glad you like them," she set a plate of waffles in front of me, along with some syrup and butter. I lathered on a bit of butter, and a lot of syrup. I ate slowly, not exactly liking the nauseating feeling in my stomach that likely came from not eating pretty much all day.

"I feel horrible," I eventually mumbled, setting my head down on the table. I felt like I was going to cry. I sat up, trying to eat much slower now. Amelia was putting the remaining waffles in tupperware to be saved. I softly asked, "Is Amber going to be okay? Wolfsbane is pretty bad, right?"

She was silent for a moment, "He's much weaker than most werewolves. He can barely transform without struggling. But, the arrow was in his arm. They had to cut it off.... He'll be okay; werewolves can regenerate given enough time. He may be weak, but he's stubborn. He's not gonna die without a fight."

"Good," I sighed, nibbling on the waffles.

"...If you don't want to eat that...," Amelia slowly said. "You probably shouldn't eat a lot at once, especially if you haven't eaten at all today. I'll just make you a big breakfast tomorrow."

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